The results of the election are, I find, disturbing. Ann Coulter writes:
Get A Grip! says Flopping Aces
At least somebody's happy (Cindy Sheehan on Hot Air video
ACLU Cheers Election Results

So, a good day for cut and run Democrats, a good day for communists, a bad day for liberty, freedom, and American family values.
Democrats support surrender in Iraq, higher taxes and the impeachment of President Bush. They just won an election by pretending to be against all three.
Get A Grip! says Flopping Aces
So because the base was upset we will NOT see another good conservative judge on SCOTUS for a looooong time. Because the base was upset we will not see ANY kind of illegal immigration enforcement. Because the base is upset will we see drawn out silly investigations of Bush while gridlock becomes commonplace in both houses. Because the base is upset we may very well see us abandoning the Iraqi’s to their fate as we did to the Vietnamese.
At least somebody's happy (Cindy Sheehan on Hot Air video
ACLU Cheers Election Results
Yesterday voters nationwide rejected candidates who failed to uphold civil liberties and rejected ballot initiatives that undermine fundamental freedoms of all Americans.
“American voters have reinvigorated our system of checks and balances essential to stopping the abuse of power,” said Anthony D. Romero, American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director. “Voters finally had enough of the 109th Congress that repeatedly rubber-stamped legislation that violates our basic rights. Voters also rejected many state ballot initiatives designed to restrict civil liberties and meddle in our personal lives. The 110th Congress should take note - voters rejected political scare tactics and government power grabs in favor of civil liberties and policies that keep us safe and free.”

So, a good day for cut and run Democrats, a good day for communists, a bad day for liberty, freedom, and American family values.
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