
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Gays, Muslims, Immigrants

World Net Daily was plastered today with gay news. Had that line been written 100 years ago, it would have been reason to suspect that good news was in the air. Alas, it is 2006 and "gay news" means more stories of perceived discrimination, and today, murder.
A Wal*Mart worker quit over Wal*Mart's support of the gay agenda, claiming that she can no longer support the low moral standards that have become the norm for the company. When Sam Walton ran the company, she said, he maintained a high moral standard, ran the company by Christian values. Today, girly magazines are found in the magazine rack next to the Field & Stream. I think that Wal*Mart is making a big mistake in their support of the GLBT agenda, making a move that will alienate them from their core consumers. Oh, I suppose that most customers will not be willing to give up the lower prices because of it, but I do believe that they will lose more than they gain.
A gay man who killed a catholic woman in 2002 goes on trial, four years after the fact. What happened to a speedy trial? The story reports:
She was stabbed, strangled, raped and beaten, and then her body was stuffed in a crawl space under the floor of an apartment, he reported.

It goes on:
"It happened because she could not leave him alone in his (homosexual) lifestyle," she said, describing the apparent confrontation between the two at the Sikorsky Funeral Home where Stochowicz worked and where Gutierrez lived in an apartment with his partner, Ray.

The attorney for the killer claims that Stachowicz'words were an assault on his client.
"The Gutierrez defense team's Politically Correct courtroom ploy ought to be called the 'Anti-homophobe Panic Defense,'" said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, a pro-family organization. "Marchigiani's is an ugly attempt to exploit the liberal caricature of Christians who oppose homosexuality as crazed haters with a penchant for aggression."

Christian haters posted comments:
"I really don't feel sorry for her. She paid a very steep price for being an arrogant religious fascist. Too bad for her," said "Iris" in a posting on the ACLU Online Forum.

"Maybe this will give pause to other people who similarly try to 'help' homosexuals," said "Silence Dogood" on the same forum.

"The mainstream media and homosexual advocacy organizations have reacted to Mary Stachowicz's murder the same way they did to 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising's torture-murder at the hands of two homosexual men in 1999: by avoiding it," said Allyson Smith of the CFI (Culture and Family Institute).

Allyson Smith also reported that:
there was no condemnation of the murder from Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, or the Gay and Lesbian Alliance or the Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

Reports from the middle east say that many muslims have protested against Christian missionaries, saying that Christian teaching are destroying the fighting spirit of the muslim young people. duh! That's the whole point of Christian teaching, at least in this case. Christians only fight when there is no other choice, but in Jerusalem, where these reports originate, there is another choice, at least for anyone who isn't a crazed, radical, jew hating, Mohammed worshipping, towel-headed muslim wannabe suicide bomber! That is, to live together in peace! The jews do not necessarily want the muslims to go away, only the ones that want to kill jews. The Christians are open as well to others living there, after Jesus' teaching to love your enemy.

Immigrants are still in the news, especially Mexicans. One side of the argument gives good reasons why the immigrants are taking jobs away, and the other side says that not only does America need the manpower, those above and beyond what America needs do not take jobs, but free Americans to take higher paying jobs, jobs that are created due to the higher demand for goods and services created by the money earning immigrants.
I think that, like most things, the truth lies somewhere between the extremes. There are other factors that niether side takes into account, such as tariffs, taxes, subsidies (so called corporate welfare), etc. In a free market economy, when the market is free to regulate itself, immigration is good for the economy. The extra manpower is absorbed as the demand for goods and services creates a need for an increased supply. The problems come when the market is not free, when production is skewed by subsidies, when demand and investment are strangled by higher taxes, or when the money earned by the immigrant workers is sent back to the mother country, instead of being spent in the new land.
Immigration needs to be strictly regulated especially in wartime, as it is now. We are involved in a conflict with a dangerous foe, made more dangerous by the apathy and outright hostility on the part of the American people towards the war. The war is being fought in too limited a fashion, life goes on in America as though no war were being fought and the people are exposed to it only on the news, or in those (relatively) rare cases when personally touched by a casualy or death of a soldier they are related to or know personally.
The death toll does sound bad on the news, any death of a soldier in combat is a tragedy, but we are at war, there is an enemy that wants to destroy everything that America stands for. If we were not so afraid of the negative publicity over collateral damage (dead civilians), we could hit the terrorists a lot harder. We've all seen what happened when Israel did that, though. The scorn of the whole world was directed towards them, for defending themselves the only way they could. The most ridiculous phrase I heard out of that whole thing was "proportional response". War is not about proportional response, or punishing the enemy for attacking. It is about winning by destroying the enemy, killing him or destroying his will to fight.
People die in war, war is evil, the most evil thing most of us will ever see. The only way to deal with those that would make war against us to to destroy them utterly, that they no longer want to make war. Cease fires are only life support systems for war, the war festers and grows under the protection of the cease fire. This is happening in Korea, in the North hatred for America is taught in the schools, children are taught lies about how evil America and the rest of the free world is. North Korea has developed an atom bomb, who knows when or if they'll use it. If Iran gets their hands on it, I have no doubt that they'll use it. MAD doesn't work against he who believes that 72 virgins are waiting for him.


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