
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


A lot of talk lately on Townhall about the glbt agenda. It doesn't sound, to me, a whole lot different to the muslim agenda, or the communist agenda, or the liberal agenda, or the socialist agenda, or the .........
They all want the rest of us to conform to their vision of the world, with little or no tolerance for those who believe differantly.
Then you have these Christians saying that they believe what they believe and they do not care what others choose to do. The way I understand Jesus' commandments, loving your neighbor requires a Christian to point out the errors of his neighbor's ways, to inform him that if he does not change, repent and accept the Lord, he will not be saved. We do have to approach our neighbors in a way which will not drive them away from the faith, of course. A lot of lost souls are that way from over zealous witnesses driving them away rather than leading them into the fold.
The GLBT community wants to be accepted. I can understand that. But they want the rest of to change our beliefs and our moral code to match theirs, and that I cannot accept. I have enough trouble living up to the moral codes I have set for myself. I do believe in live and let live, so long as those who choose to follow an, as I see it, immoral lifestyle, know that it is in defiance of the Lord's commandment and they will have to pay the price. If they are clear on that point, then I see no reason why they should not continue down the path of damnation that they have chosen for themselves.
I expect the same in return. I do not want to know what my neighbor does in the privacy of his own bedroom. If he chooses, with full knowledge of the consequences, such a lifestyle, then that's his business, and he should leave me out of it. I do not want to see gay pride parades on my tv screen. I do not want to see love parades on my streets. Keep your private life to yourself.
The same goes for Islam. You can tell me about Mohammed and Allah, as long as your willing to hear about Jesus. But after you've told me about it and I've said that I'm not interested, than leave me alone. And after I've told you about Jesus' love and sacrifice for our salvation, if you are not interested, say so and I'll not say another word.
The leftist communist socialists: Go to Europe. There are plenty of countries there to choose from where you can live your dream of father government taking care of your every need. Have fun with the restrictions and taxes and high unemployment, and leave America to the true Americans. There ought to be at least one country on this, God's green earth, where man is free to live and worship as he chooses, where one is free to run his business and handle his affairs as he chooses.
I find my self agreeing with the libertarians in most areas, the ecceptions being mostly those areas that have to do with drug use and prostitution. The concept of everything being allowed that does not hurt someone else, the so called "victimless crimes", really shouldn't be crimes at all. The problem comes in the definition of a victimless crime.
Granted, when one takes an illegal drug, only he suffers, at least at first. But when he needs another fix, is unable to work to get it, then turns to crime to get what he needs (wants so badly it seems a need). The cost to families and society are in my opinion too high. It's the same with alcohol, tobacco, and seatbelt/helmet laws. I read a libertarian article on the subject, where the author claimed that when one chooses to drive without a seatbelt/ride without a helmet, and is injured, he cannot expect society to cover his medical bills resulting from the injuries made worse due to his foolishness. Sound good, if a bit cold, in theory, but the reality is, is that the victim of his own stupidity will be brought to hospital, treated, and billed. If he can then no longer work, the bill won't get paid. If he dies, the bill won't get paid. To expect an unconcious man to pay in advance would be negligence. And finally, the unpaid bills become a burden on the rest of society.
Banning does not work, I realize. That's been tried. You can't legislate sanity, but to allow insanity to go unpunished, to the detriment of society as a whole, is irresponsible.


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