Focus on the Family Values
They just don't get it'
is why Republicans lost
Dobson, Bauer, Minnery, Perkins
say GOP ignored voters' values
The shame of it is, is that the "values voters" handed both houses to those who are even less likely to represent them.
The Republican leaders get the message that they were sent. The voters chose the more liberal party, so logically they want a more progressive and ideological government.
BOVINE EXCREMENT!!!!!! They were not "too involved", they were not involved enough! Without the conservative Christians, of course Kerry would have won, the Democrats would have taken the congress in '04, the troops would have been pulled out of Iraq, and there would have been further attacks on American soil. The Republican party lost in '06 because they failed their constituents, they spent like drunken sailors, they ignored the illegal immigrant problem, they did nothing about abortion rights, they did nothing to protect marriage. And the dems in rep clothing didn't help matters, voting democrat got at least someone in whose more honest about who he is, rather than pseudo-republicans like Snowe, Collins, and McCain.
'Agent of Change' trounced by pro-war Republican Anti-war Democrat blames drubbing on her plain looks
She blames her loss on her "plain looks".
"Anti-war sentiments" had nothing to do with it. These moonbats can not comprehend that Islam presents a real danger for the free world, and they can not accept that anyone else believes that, unless they are brainwashed by the "rightist-elite". They really need to read through the koran, and learn about how it interprets to fundamental Islam.
Basically, a good, Koran believing, fundamentaly muslim wants to subjagate the whole world by force if necessary, into one large caliphate, submissive (Islam) to Allah. A good, Bible believing, fundamental Christian, loves his neighbor, desperately wants him to be saved and believe in Christ, but accepts if his neighbor chooses not to. He may approach his neighbor, he will pray for his neighbor, but he will not subject his neighbor to a dhimmi like status, nor will he chop his neighbor's head off, as the Koran commands the Muslim to do.
R.I. Senator May Leave Republican Party
A rat leaving the ship?
Good riddance!
Just the kind of politician we don't need.
Is it any wonder Republicans lost? They abandoned the principles of the core voters, they gave the democrats lesson on spending, while at the same time cutting taxes. They failed to adequately inform the general public of the state of the union: despite the overall rosy economic outlook, low unemployment, booming stockmarket, people like my own mother believed that the economy was in real trouble, and the proof of thet the found at every gas pump, with the perceived high prices of fuel.
That's all it took, gas prices catching up with general inflation, plus doom and gloom MSM reporters, equals voter discontent and a democrat victory.
is why Republicans lost
Dobson, Bauer, Minnery, Perkins
say GOP ignored voters' values
The so-called "values voters" who handed both houses of Congress and the White House to Republicans in 2000 and 2004 were at this year's election, they just didn't see anybody promising to represent them, according to several leaders influential to that group of Americans.
The shame of it is, is that the "values voters" handed both houses to those who are even less likely to represent them.
"The unfortunate thing is that Republican leaders still don't appear to get it. Sen. Arlen Spector, R-Pa., said on Wednesday that the election results represented a 'seismic earthquake' and that his party must become 'a lot more progressive and a lot less ideological,'" said James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and director of its dozens of publications and broadcast service that reaches about five million Americans daily.
The Republican leaders get the message that they were sent. The voters chose the more liberal party, so logically they want a more progressive and ideological government.
"Dick Armey emerged from four years in the wilderness to blame conservative Christians for Tuesday's defeat. They were, he said, 'too involved' with the party. He can't be serious! Someone should tell him that without the support of that specific constituency, John Kerry would be president and the Republicans would have fallen into a black hole in '04," he said.
BOVINE EXCREMENT!!!!!! They were not "too involved", they were not involved enough! Without the conservative Christians, of course Kerry would have won, the Democrats would have taken the congress in '04, the troops would have been pulled out of Iraq, and there would have been further attacks on American soil. The Republican party lost in '06 because they failed their constituents, they spent like drunken sailors, they ignored the illegal immigrant problem, they did nothing about abortion rights, they did nothing to protect marriage. And the dems in rep clothing didn't help matters, voting democrat got at least someone in whose more honest about who he is, rather than pseudo-republicans like Snowe, Collins, and McCain.
'Agent of Change' trounced by pro-war Republican Anti-war Democrat blames drubbing on her plain looks
A Democratic candidate considered one of the most outspoken critics of the Iraq war was clobbered by one of its biggest supporters in a Minnesota race that's received little media coverage.

Incumbent Republican John Kline trounced anti-war activist Coleen Rowley by double digits in their bid for the state's 2nd congressional district. The blowout bucks conventional wisdom that anti-war sentiment worked in Democrats' favor across the board.
"Anti-war sentiments" had nothing to do with it. These moonbats can not comprehend that Islam presents a real danger for the free world, and they can not accept that anyone else believes that, unless they are brainwashed by the "rightist-elite". They really need to read through the koran, and learn about how it interprets to fundamental Islam.
Basically, a good, Koran believing, fundamentaly muslim wants to subjagate the whole world by force if necessary, into one large caliphate, submissive (Islam) to Allah. A good, Bible believing, fundamental Christian, loves his neighbor, desperately wants him to be saved and believe in Christ, but accepts if his neighbor chooses not to. He may approach his neighbor, he will pray for his neighbor, but he will not subject his neighbor to a dhimmi like status, nor will he chop his neighbor's head off, as the Koran commands the Muslim to do.
R.I. Senator May Leave Republican Party
Two days after losing a bid for a second term, Sen. Lincoln Chafee said he was unsure whether he would remain a Republican.
Chafee lost to Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse in a race seen as a referendum on President Bush and the GOP. On Thursday, he was asked whether he would stick with the Republican Party or become an independent or Democrat.
A rat leaving the ship?
He is the most liberal Republican in the Senate and was the sole Senate Republican to vote against the war in Iraq. But that was not enough to prevail against Whitehouse, who shared many of Chafee's views but was a Democrat in a heavily Democratic state.
Good riddance!
"There were times walking into my caucus room where it wasn't fun," he said, adding that he stayed with the GOP largely because it helped him bring federal dollars home to Rhode Island.
Just the kind of politician we don't need.
Is it any wonder Republicans lost? They abandoned the principles of the core voters, they gave the democrats lesson on spending, while at the same time cutting taxes. They failed to adequately inform the general public of the state of the union: despite the overall rosy economic outlook, low unemployment, booming stockmarket, people like my own mother believed that the economy was in real trouble, and the proof of thet the found at every gas pump, with the perceived high prices of fuel.
That's all it took, gas prices catching up with general inflation, plus doom and gloom MSM reporters, equals voter discontent and a democrat victory.
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