Wake Up! The Muslims are coming!

It's time to wake up America! The enemy is awake and actively working against us. The have penetrated our very government and entertainment industry with their evil propaganda, influencing even our president with their lies.
The enemy is Islam! Allah is Satan and Mohammed is he chief stooge.
Their lies have lead most of us to believe that Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam, since its inception, has been a warrior cult. What they did on 9/11 was a look at the truth of Islam. It was part of a string of terror comitted by the forces of evil since Mohammed first had his deranged visions.
Wake up, free world, if you want to stay free. Islam dreams of a world caliphat, the whole world under sharia law, locked forever in a constant war between Shia and Sunni.
Wake up and prepare to fight, or learn arabic and read the koran. Buy burkas for your women folk.
They hate us all, all the infidels. They hate us for believing Jesus is God, and that he died on the cross for our sins. They hate us for killing our babies in the womb. They hate us for every bottle of beer we drink, for every oz. of pork we eat. They hate us for allowing our women to drive and to work and to be educated and to vote. They hate us for not killing our homosexuals, for not hating our homosexuals. They hate us for not denouncing sin where we see it. They hate us for not believing the Koran, and they hate us more for not following the teachings of our own religion.
They hate Europe as well, their hatred grows with each schweine schnitzel eaten in the ruhr gebiet, for each glass Apfelwoi drunk in Frankfurt, for each Bratwurst eaten in Nürnberg, for each glass of wine drunk in Würzburg, for each glass of beer in Munich.
They hate the English, the hate the French. They hate the Italiens for harbouring the vaticans within their border. The really hate the Danish, need I say why?
They attack the US first, because that is their strongest enemy. They think they can get the rest later. The French ought to be easy. They've been fighting the Jew since the time of Mohammed, they idolize Adolph Hitler (Mein Kampf is a bestseller), while at the same time hating him for being an infidel. They like to deny that the holocaust happened, while at the same time threatening to finish the job.
I do not hate them, but I want them stopped before they destroy all that I love. Do as Ann Coulter suggested: Bomb their cities, Kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.
Stop Ahmed di Nijad before he gets the bomb. Destroy his nuclear facilities; we know where they are. Stop North Korea: They are not Islam, but the muslims treat them as freinds, as they are, in the words of Stalin, useful idiots, allies for the time being in the fight against stronger enemies, weakling that can then be defeated in due time.
Send all muslims in the freeworld back to the desert, unless they are will to renounce Islam (make them eat a pork chop as proof of their conversion). Tear down the mosques, or convert them to pig farms. Burn all copies of the Koran in the free world, it is the bible of the prince of lies, it is written in the pages of the unholy book that Allah is the master of cunning, which is synonomous with being the prince of lies, the lord of flies, the adversary.
Islam divides the world into the house of Islam and the house of War. That is not condusive to tolerance! Muslim tolerance is tolerating Christians and Jews to live as second class citizens, as Dhimmi, under Sharia law. The testimony of Dhimmi is worth half that of a muslim woman, which is half that of a muslim man. Dhimmi are required to pay exhorbitant taxes, are not allowed to build or repair churches, are not allowed to openly worship. All those who value freedom of religion take heed!
Islam hate adultery as Christianity and Judaism do, but where Judeo-Christian belief seeks penance and forgiveness for the adulterer, Islam seeks horrible death by stoning, a cruel, ghastly method of execution. All member of the community are required to attend. There are strict rules as to how big the rocks can be, big enough to do damage, but not so big as to cause death too soon. Thieves have their hands chopped off, women who have been raped are hung for crimes against chastity. If we do not stop Islam, and soon, This will be happening here.
Adulterers will be buried to their waists and stoned in Times Square. Theives will have their hands chopped off in front of the Eiffel tower. Girls will be hung from in Berlin. Murderers will have their heads chopped off with a sword in Tokyo.
None are safe from this threat! Not the Europeans, not the Chinese, not the "friends" of Islam, such as Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il. When the more powerful enemies are destroyed, they too will be offered the choice of conversion, dhimmitude, or death.
Their friend in America must be stopped: dismantle the ACLU, end Islamic symptathy in Hollywood and the mainstream media. Shake the liberals politicians until they wake up, open their eyes, and see that which is threatening everything they hold dear. For it is the Liberals, to whom they kow tow, that they secretly hate the most. They coddle and patronize the left, to keep them complacent and assist in their destruction.
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