
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

President in 2008: who fills the bill?

Who do we need in the white house in 2008?
I would, naturally, like to see someone who supports my views on life, the universe, and everything. That means:
Pro-life / Anti-abortion, as you want to see it. Pro-choice, for me, means the freedom to choose to have a child or not, but I believe the choice needs to be made before the pants come off, not after the cannon goes off.
Second Amendment: The rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I take that to mean that the government of the United States, nor the government of the fifty states, nor any county or municipal government, can tell me how many or what types of arms I am allowed to own. The only restriction on my right to keep and bear arms should lie in my wallet. Rather than a ban on "assault" weapons, I'd prefer, in keeping with the well regulated militia clause, a requirement for all able bodied men to keep, maintain, and demonstrate proficiency in, a full automatic rifle of standard caliber, which at this time means the .223 Remington caliber, aka 5.56 NATO.
Immigration: I am in favor of immigration, but legal immigration. You want to come to the United States of America to work, then obey our laws. You apply for work permits and visas, you come to the country through the official entry points, you apply for a job like anyone else, pay taxes, social security, etc. I saw a picture of an illegal immigrant carrying a Mexican Flag! There were a comment or two about how fresh they're getting, but they all missed the relevant point: This man came across our border without permission and raised his countries flag over our soil, in effect claiming it for his country, which is an act of WAR! He was not in uniform, which makes him a spy. Spies are shot. End of story.
note: I am not in favor of wholesale shooting of illegal immigrants. I feel, however, that they should be bodily thrown back across the border, at the point closest to where they were discovered.
War in "terror": I want a president who is not afraid to call this war by name: the war against Islam. Not radical Islam, not Islamofascists, not "terror", but Islam itself. Sure, I know the figures, about the so-called 10% (still over 1 million individuals!) of muslims being radicals, but I am also very concerned about the rest of them that support, aprove, or fail to condemn the 10%. Hit 'em hard enough, and the 90% will start to come around and put the 10% in their place. I don't think we need to completely wipeout Islam, but it needs to be hit, and hit hard, to put them in their place, and make them more agreeable to realizing that they are at best equal to the rest of us, and not superior as they believe.
North Korea needs to be hit hard as well. I saw a report on the schools there. The reporters asked the kids about the United States. The answers were shocking, those kids had been brainwashed to believe that the United States was second cousin to Satan himself! They are raising generation after generation of freedom hating, communist robots. Kim Jong Il is as bad as Saddam, and needs to be removed from power as soon as possible. The winning of the peace in North Korea, however, will take even longer than Iraq, as the people will have to be totally reprogrammed to appreciate what liberty means to a free people. Cuba is also a thorn in the side of the free world. Unfortunately for the people of Cuba, Cuba represents no threat to the freedom of the world, so nothing will be done there in the foreseeable future.
Freedom of Religion, and other first amendment rights: First thing to do is to repeal the fourteenth amendment. that is an insult to the state rights that the founding fathers fought so hard for. Religious freedom needs to be more strongly defended, and the establishment clause needs to be understood exactly as written: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." That means, to me, that all restrictions of religious freedom are placed on congress restricting the freedom of! A high school valedictorian thanking God at a commencement ceremony is not Congress establishing religion. The posting of the ten commandments at a county courthouse is not congress establishing a religion. A parish priest recommending a certain candidate is not congress establishing religion. According to the first amendment, individual states are perfectly free to establish religion, if the citizen of the state so desire. The efforts of the ACLU to restrict religious freedom in the name of the establishment clause are just plain evil, ill considered, and un-American.
Welfare: Federal welfare needs to be stopped! Immediately if possible. Welfare is the responsibility of the individual in a free society. If the individual can not support himself due to ill-health, natural disaster, fire, job loss due to failure of a company, or anything else not due to his own bad decisions, then it is the responsibility of his community to help him first, then neighboring communities, finally the Church. No tax monies should ever be used for relief in this way. Any charity to people in need of it should be voluntary.
Same with social security for old-age. If one chooses to participate in the federal program, they should be free to do so, but it should be voluntary, and only what is paid in should be available for retirement, minus administrative fees, which tend to be rather high by government programs. Better would be to teach people starting in the early years the importance of saving for their own retirement. Responsibility to those whose plans failed, or those who planned inadequately, falls first on the family of the retiree, then on his community, but only if the community is willing to take on the burden, their willingness to be shown by the amount of charitable contributions voluntarily given to the fund.
My ideal President would initiate programs to round up and detain all traitors to the United States of America, including the staff of the New York Times, in light of their revealing intelligence gathering programs. Also, Michael Moore would be high on the most wanted traitor list, for his subversive video representation of life in Iraq before and after the removal of Saddam Hussein.
Support for Israel would increase, all attacks against the sovereign state of Israel would be met with merciless rebuttal. If they will not respect Israel as it is, then they must be taught respect. Fighting until unconditional surrender worked agains Italy, Germany, and Japan, and it will work against Islam.
Schools: the present system leaves much to be desired. A privatization would most likely be the answer here. Make families responsible for the education of their children, with private, non-profit charities accepting the responsibility for the disadvantaged. Nonprofit organizations have generally proved to be better husbands of funds than the government, and should be able to better provide an education. Priority should be to promoting the desire to learn, teaching morality as well as the basics. The basics (reading, writing, arithmetic) should be emphasized heavily, and the children should receive a good grounding in basic science, geography, and history, both American history and world history. Methods used should be those that have proven themselves over the years, and not experimental methods that all too often fail, leaving the country with a generation of under-educated workers and administrators, who go on to use further experimental methods to further degrade the situation.


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