
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Monday, October 23, 2006

This and That rants, it all comes down to Morals

Shocking news yesterday. A 22 year old, having contractions, shot her baby in the womb, and was aquitted of any wrong doing. Amazing. Horrible. How can a mother shoot her own baby in the womb? I can not comprehend what is going on, when something like this happens. A mother shoots her own child. And the courts let her get away with it. She really needs to be put away for psychological evaluation and therapy, for as long as it takes.
Question: Who pays for it?
It all goes back to morals. If she'd had the moral good sense to stay away from the kind of man that got her in the situation in the first place. Who knows.
Libs slam DeVos in MI for relationship with the Nuge. Libs claim that Uncle Ted claims that women deserve to be rape. They take his quotes out of context, though, even though their web site contained enough of the context that any reasonably intelligent human being, whose judgement was not clouded by liberal propaganda, could see where Ted Nugent was coming from. His point was that women who were not willing to defend themselves have basically dug their own grave. The police can not be everywhere, and the liberals themselves have created and fostered the moral environment that leads to the rapes occuring in the first place.
What the free world needs is a higher moral standard in the areas of personal rights, sexual behaviour, personal responsibility, and respect for property.
As far as enforcement of moral behaviour: I believe strongly in the maxim that the Government which governs least governs best. So government enforcement of moral standards is unacceptable. I do not believe that you can legislate morality: morality needs to be taught. A democracy like the United States of America (I know, it's not really a democracy, but a republic. The representatives are, however, democratically elected.) can not operate without a high standard of morality among its citizens. The welfare state and the large amount of pork in every bill passing through congress are indications of the low moral state of the union.
The federal government's only reason for existance is to protect the rights of the people. They are not their to grant rights, nor are they there to protect imagined rights, like the right to quality health care. Health care, at this level of civilization, is still a commodity for those that can afford it. It could be that the day is coming when health care becomes a right, but right now it is still too expensive. It is not right that the government takes money without permission to pay for health care for those that can not afford it. The right way to provide health is through voluntary donations, on a case by case basis. A good example of this is here.
I use health care only as an example. There are many more ways in which the federal government is overstepping their bounds: welfare, gun control legislation, Roe v Wade, "the bridge to nowhere", NAFTA, farm subsidies, protective tariffs, the proposed legislation/amendment to protect marriage, etc. The list goes on and on. The US federal government is grown out of proportion, into a giant, sucking entity, drawing off the wealth of the country and its people.
The proper job of the government is the protection of the God given rights which all men have. A strong military is necessary, to protect our national interests and to prevent foreign interests from infringing on our rights.
Foreign interests infringing on our rights: case in point, the proposed UN gun control legislation, in direct opposition to the second amendment, which exists to protect the basic right of self defense. There are people living in the United States whose abode is 10 miles or more from the nearest representative of the local law enforcement agency. These people cannot rely on the government to defend them! And you do not need to be 10 miles out for this to apply to you. The cops can not be everywhere all the time. The first line of defense is the individual, and with the supercrooks the prison system is turning out, a gun is the only way most of us can defend ourselves.
The prison system is, in my opinion, a total failure. It is more of a college and training ground for criminals than a real form of punishment. Liberal legislation has emasculated the prison system, in the name of protecting the poor, disadvantaged souls from anything that could even remotely considered cruel and unusual punishment. The only phrase in the constitution with which I disagree. What exactly is "cruel and unusual?" Something unusual could be the answer, instead of incarceration, for first time juvenile offenders. And prison time should be at least a little bit cruel, if it is to be something that potential criminals will want to avoid (deterance).
Homosexuality is a mental disease, regardless of what those brainwashed, so-called experts want to say about it. To want to engage in any sort of unnatural act with a member of your own sex is not a normal mode of behaviour. And don't tell me Jesus never said anything about it: He did say that the Father created them Man and Woman, and the Man is leave his mother and father and join to his wife, that the two shall be one. And what God has joined together, let no man sunder. I paraphrased a bit, I think, as I did type from memory. Check your Bible for the exact quote, or use one of the excellant online Bibles at the Blue Letter Bible or Bible Gateway. (See links in Sidebar).


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