
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

My Photo
Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

It's been a week since I've posted anything. I've been too busy reading other people's blogs, taking care of the swimming pool, feeding chickens, making lunch, etc,.

The pools been giving me problems lately. The water keeps turning green and getting cloudy. I've tried this and that, but anything that works only works for a day or so, then it turns green again!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Where are the patriots of yesteryear?

e conflict of idealogies continues in the middle east and around the world. Leftists see the struggle of the muslims as a class struggle, a people fighting for rights and justice against the oppressor Israel. Right leaning people see the fight as a religious war, the Islamic Jihad, struggle to bring submission to Allah to the world.The evidence I see leads me to believe the answer lies somewhere in the middle, though tending towards the rightist opinion. The elite in the muslim world are seeking the jihad, and using islamic retoric to sway the masses. That the movers and shakers of the "jihad" are poor is hard to believe. How many poor people can afford explosives, timers, detonators, rockets, and the ability to deploy them against the "oppressor"?How can anyone today, with all the evidence that there is, still believe in the leftist agenda? How can anyone believe that the fighting in the middle east is about the haves and have nots? How can anyone continue to support the welfare state?The government dreamed up by Jefferson and his boys has nothing to do with the welfare state that exists in the USA of the 21st century. It is not the business of the government to provide for the people. It is the business of the people to provide for themselves. Who cannot provide for himself, due to sickness for example, should be able to rely on the charity of his neighbors. Would it not be better for the neighbor to provide of his own free will for his neighbor, instead of wasteful, government beauracracies?People need to learn a sense of responsibility that is missing in today's society. One need only look at the numbers of fatherless children, aborted babies, divorces, etc. And not only a responsibility for self, but also for the neighbor, a responsibility that has been stolen by the welfare state. We care little for our neighbor today, after all, big daddy welfare state will watch out for us, why should we?That is not the spirit that founded the great nation of the United States of America. Where are the individualists that explored and settled the continent? Where are the brave souls that fought for freedom in the wars America found herself in, from the revolution up until WWII. What would have happened in Vietnam if Americans had fought there with the same strength and determination with which their fathers had fought in Europe and on the islands of the Pacific? What would happen if we were to fight Terrorist Islam with the same will and determination, with the same all out, no holds barred, never say die, it ain't over until I win attitude that defeated the Nazis?It seems that people today have lost the will to fight for their beliefs. They'll march alright with signs denouncing violence and the killing of baby seals, but when comes down to brass tacks, appeasement is the only route they know.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Israel started it!

This mornng I read in the paper from the G8 summit, that although Bush and Blair see the problem in the Middle to be Hezbollah, Chirac and Putin are pinning the blame on Israel's actions. My first thought is to agree with Bush and Blair, but after thinking about it a bit more, it could be that Chirac and Putin are right, although not quite as they mean it.
I tend to think the escalation is Israel's fault, for pulling out of the occupied territories and giving Hamas and Hezbollah a taste of success. I think we all know that the reason for the violence is the meer existance of Israel in the middle east.
Of course, if they succeed in eliminating Israel, I would be very surprised if the violence ends. The Shiites still hate the sunnis, and they both still hate anyone who is not muslim.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Be nice to one another, or there'll be no cookies with your milk.

Was soll den das?!? Proportional response to an attack?
Isreal's response is supposed to lead to an escalation of violence? It's about time for an escalation of violence, if Israel is to continue to exist as a sovereign nation. This constant responding to terrorist attacks is a waste of time, manpower, and lives. They need to commit to all out war against Hamas, Hezbollah, and anyone else who threatens their existance.
The world community needs to open their collective eyes to what is going on here. Especially Spain needs to see that when the muslims want to end the occupying of muslim land by the infidel, that the occupation of Spain by the infidel has been going on since 1492, and Islam is going to want that as well.What is a proportional response supposed to achieve? You shoot a rocket at me, I shoot one back? If the enemy is technologically inferior, but has a larger population, then they will win, when country A is only allowed to kill one enemy for every country A'er the enemy kills. The way to win a war is to arrange to take the enemy's will to fight, to make warring against your country too disasterous in the loss of life and property for the citizens to continue to support the war. That's how Vietnam beat us, remember, and that is how we'll lose in Iraq. Right now, we value the lives of our soldiers too highly to allow us to commit to the kind of warfare we need to commit too to end the Islam threat. Iran need to be next on the list, and the deed needs to be done quickly, with of course minimum loss of life on our side. We need, really, to attack in such a way as to show our enemies what it means to raise the wrath of the USA. I'm just glad that we didn't have the same breed of liberal pacifists and enablers that we have today in 1941. Just imagine the response from the Kerry crowd if the kinds of casualties that occured June 6, 1944, were to occur in Iraq. Cindy Sheehan would probably keel over dead from the "outrage" she'd feel over such a tragic loss of life. And the civilians casualaties: 30,000 dead Frenchmen, collateral damage. How about we do something similar in Iraq: When the terrorist use civilians as human shields, shoot through them. How long would the civilians there continue to allow themselves to be used then, as shields? We won WWII because we made the costs of continueing for the Japanese and the Germans too high for them to continue. We won the cold war because the costs of continueing were too high for the Soviet Union. Now, we need to make the costs of supporting Isalmic terror too high for the average muslim, lead them to consider that maybe Mohammed meant for the members of Islam to fight their Jihad with words instead of bombs.I believe that the proper response to an attack on a sovereign nation is for that nation, and it's allies, to make the attacker very sorry and promise (and mean it) never to do it again.
And we need to have a long, serious talk with our "friends" in Saudi Arabia.

Friday, July 14, 2006

How should I feel, as a christian, about al qaeda and the terrorist factions of Islam? Love your enemy, said the Lord, but are we not allowed to defend our selves? To turn the other cheek, they took the World Trade Center, shall we offer them the Sears Tower as well?He said: "Whosoever shall lose his life for my sake will gain it" Does that mean we should let the terrorist kill us all, for Jesus' sake, that we will gain life with Him?Thinking as a man who wants to live and wants there to be a free world for his children to live in, I feel that we should see Islam as a threat to our security and start killing muslims until they reject their Jihad against us. But is this attitude compatible with christian belief? I'm pretty sure we should not get into a religious war with Islam, but rather see them as a threat to our civil authority and freedom/liberty. Sharia law is incompatible with the American sense of Truth, Justice, and the American Way.They take to the streets here in Germany to protest the prison camp at Guantanamo Bay, what are they thinking? Has not a country at war the right to hold enemy soldiers captive, until the end of hostilities?The people of the world need to understand that we are at war, all of us, not only the USA. Islam sees us all as enemies. They see the enemy of my enemy as a friend, but only until the common enemy is defeated, then they will turn. I see no other course, if freedom on Earth is to be saved, other than all out war with Islam, to treat Islam as we treated the Nazis, communists, or other enemies of freedom. We must never forget that the believers of Islam are fellow human beings, and we must be ready to accept them as equals, when they admit defeat and abandon the evil aspects of their religion.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Posting # 2

I started the day as usual today, on the toilet. I've had diarhea now for five years running.
After that, I started the coffee, played with the satellite reciever, and went out to feed the chickens. The dog wanted to go out, too, so I put him on his rope. I am planning to build a fence, so the dog can run where he will, but I haven't gotten to it yet. I need materials, and more strength. My health is not the best, so I can't always work like I'd like to.
I'll need to build fences around the small animal cages, as well, otherwise the dog will break into them

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

First Post

I somehow came upon the idea to blog. I don't really know why, except that it's always been a dream of mine to write, and this is as good a way as any to start. I'm planning on letting this blog develop as time goes by, to be a mirror of myself, my thoughts, and opinions.