
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Jihad Watch

September 28 Hot Air TV. "Muslim clerics and scholars have demanded that Pope Benedict XVI be removed from his position immediately for encouraging war and fanning hostility between various faiths and for making insulting remarks against Islam. If the west does not change it's stance against Islam it will face severe consequences.
Meanwhile, a new Palestinian Jihad group announced that every place relevent to Christians will be a target until the Vatican apologizes." They are also demanding the the UN prohibit the defamation of Islam. Not until the prohibit the defamation of Christianity!
I say that we let the Islam world know, in no uncertain terms, that we will not tolerate any more Islamic violence. Give them two days to apologize for all terrorism and insults to Judaism and Christianity in the last 30 years, and to pay for the damage caused by all attacks on Israeli, European, and American targets. If they fail to do so, then Mecca and Medina will be leveled and Islam declared an outlaw belief, comparable with Nazi. All mosques in the USA and Europe should be turned into slaughterhouses for the production of pork products. All muslims banned from holy sites in Israel.
We have no need to put up with these insults any longer. We must put an end to this pestilence known as Islam. Allah is the adversary, the father of lies, the lord of flies! Jesus is Lord, Saviour, Son of God. To continue to coddle these people in their false belief is to condemn them to eternity in the fiery pits of Hell. I am not in favor of mass murder, but these people need to be woken up to the truth. They are, in end effect, our neighbors, whom Christ has commanded us to love.
Some say that to critisize them for their belief is to go against the principles of neighborly love the Jesus taught. I think, however, that to allow them to continue as they are is the worst hypocrisy of all.
Islam is the anti-Christ. Islam denies the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Can we allow it to continue to exist without an attempt to end it?
We are fighting a war in Iraq and in Afghanistan against the Jihad, against Islam, a war we can not win until we are clear on what the enemy is. The enemy we face is Islam! Not terror, not fundamental Islam, or radical Islam, or Islamo-Fascism, but Islam itself. We're being constantly told that it's only the radical 10% who've highjacked Islam that is the problem. That's still 100 - 120 million enemies to the Western way of life. But, what about the other 90% who are not speaking out against the so called radicals? Why haven't we heard from them? Because they are also under the influence of the adversaries lies! They believe in what the radicals are doing. They support them with donations. They pray for them in their temples and secretly wish that they were there. They need to be shown the error of their ways, their eyes opened as Paul's were.
Paul, when he was called Saul, persecuted the early Christians as the muslims are today. He had Christians stoned for blasphemy. But, our Lord had need of him, and called him to Himself, and made of him a force for the early Church.
The muslims are also not yet beyond Salvation, if only they can be made to listen and understand the Gospel.
I don't know how much violence would be necessary to accomplish the task, if any, or even if it is at all possible. The adversary has a tight hold on the muslims. We need to do something, I think. Whatever is done, needs to be done consequently, and thoroughly, leaving no room for doubt in the minds of the muslim people. We must stop showing them signs of weakness, and cowardice. The first thing we in the west can do is to stop pandering to their every whim. If they protest and riot over a few cartoons, draw and publish more! If the protest and riot over a remark cited by the Pope made 1000 years ago, have every religious leader in the west cite every remark of the sort we can find! Show them that we are not afraid of them, that we will no longer bow to their evil demands and temper tantrums.


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