
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

First openly gay Senator Dies.

First of all, what is so gay about being homosexual?
Apparently, he was "married" to his partner. what a load of crock. This whole "gay" marriage thing has totally turned me off to the idea that the government has any business in the arena of matrimony. We should just drop the whole idea of being legally married and get the government that much further from our day to day lives. Marriage belongs to the church, to people of faith. It is an agreement between a man, a woman, and their creator, to love, honor, obey, and cherish one another for life. There is nothing there about legal contracts. You want a legal contract, form a business partnership. Why not, really. A partnership for the purpose of running a household, or to raise children. It'll serve the purpose, and be a lot easier to dissolve than the current system. If you want something permanent, then you don't need the government involving itself in your affairs. Just go to the church with your intended, pledge your commitment before your family and the congregation, and your good to go!
If you're homosexual, and not accepted by mainstream Christian churches, don't sue them (and thereby deny them their first amendment right to freedom of religion and free speech), form your own church! Then you can let in anyone you want, you can take whatever vows you want according to your own rules and in the presence of your very own Deity! You need to be ordained? No problem: Ordination Online: Become a Minister , Officiate Weddings and More ...
more reasons to get the state out of the marriage game.
I am becoming more and more libertarian, the more I learn about life and freedom. People are born with inalienable rights, as Thomas Jefferson wrote. Governments exist to guarantee these rights, not to grant them, as many liberals seem to think. The right to keep and bear arms, for example, is an expression of the basic right to defend oneself and one's loved ones and property.
Why shouldn't people have the right to do things which are harmful to themselves, as long as they are willing to accept responsibility for their actions. You want to take drugs? Go ahead, just don't expect society to shoulder the burden of your addiction. You want to eat fatty foods, smoke cigarettes, drink excessively? Think about saving for the medical bills.
I am a hypocrite, though, in this area. I never saved my money, I was careless about exercising and what I ate. I smoked, and drank excessively. I drove my car under the influence of alcohol. Now, I suffer from depression, anxiety, and ulcerative colitis. I am reliant on my wife, and on the socialized medicine provided for me by the state. It's an evil situation, but I'm stuck with it. I would much prefer to be independant, free from government interferance in my life, and if I ever find a way to, I will. I write this in the hope that those who read will choose a differant path than I did, to live truly free.
There is only one country in the world today that has the potential to be a truly free country, and that is the United States of America. The liberals in America are doing their best to change this, and must be stopped before it is too late.
Stand up for your freedom. Stand up for your rights. Vote out the socialists who are threatening the last, best hope all freedom loving people of this planet have.


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