
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Friday, October 13, 2006

time for a new party

It's time we got two new parties into the government in Washington. The current politicians are too much politicians first and representatives of the people second.
It's time for Liberals to vote Green and Conservatives to vote Libertarian, to send their parties a message that we do not want the same old. No one does though, because their all afraid that the other side won't and one of the major parties will win.

A poster on Townhall complained that a single wage earner can not support a family any more and wants to know why. It's because the government takes too big a chunk of his pay. Then, the lifestyle of Americans today. Big, new cars, eating out regularly, big tv, the best home cinema system, DVD, VCR, PS II, etc. Live simply, raise as much of your own food as you can, Keep one TV in the house, and make that a small one. Buy everything cash, within a budget. Buy clothing at discount, Walmart's Faded Glory jeans for example, instead of Levi's or Lee. Buy a good used car cash instead of financing a new SUV. It's not that hard. I do it here in Germany, where it is more difficult than in the USA.

There is no such thing as a middle class tax cut. The middle class pays the taxes of the rich everytime they buy something. The taxes the rich pay are paid with the profits they earn when the companies they own or have an interest in turn a profit. When the taxes are raised on the big earners, they simply pass it on down in higher prices for the products that the poor and middle classes need. A tax cut for the rich is also reflected in lower prices, making it a tax cut for all.

Endless occupation of Iraq. Occupation of Iraq has to continue until we win in the Middle East. If we can hold Iraq and Afghanistan, we are in a good position to take on Iran from two sides. But, we can't do it alone. The free countries of the world have to wake up to the Islamic menace that threatens peace in the entire world. They don't only hate the USA and Israel. They are attacking Israel because it is closest, and America because it is the strongest of their enemies and a supporter of Israel. As long as they can convince the rest of the world that it is only the USA and and Israel that are the enemies of Islam, the longer they can keep the rest of the world either on their side, or at least from opposing them. Their motto is: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"(at least until the enemy is defeated. Then watch out!) The enemy of Islam is all that is not Islam! They particularly hate everything that the left and socialists stand for, such as Atheism, homosexuality, free sex, adultery, tolerance of other religions and beliefs. The tolerance claims of Islam are the purest hypocricy. If you don't believe that, smuggle a case of Bibles into Iran or Saudi Arabia and start preaching the Word of God and passing out Bibles on a street corner in Rhyad or Tehran.
Pelosi preventing Boy scouts from using federal land. That is a violation of the Boy Scouts first amendment rights of free speach, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion!
Alaskan oil belongs to the Federal Government. What a load! In the freeest land that the world has ever seen, if I buy a piece of land in Alaska, the Government can take it away from me and lease it to a multi-national oil company, if oil is discovered on my land. Jed Clampett was lucky he wasn't from Alaska. The Beverly Hillbillies wouldn't have been nearly as funny if the poor mountaineer was simply relocated by the government, force to build himself a new shack, and continue to barely keep his family fed in a new location, away from family and friends.
Voe for a change! DO NOT, I repeat, please DO NOT vote Republican or Democrat for the next several years. Vote for a change. Do not vote for an incumbant. Get them out in the primaries, at any price. Don't let them in!


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