
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

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Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


North Korea has tested a nuclear weapon, according to sources as powerful as the one dropped on Hiroshima.
That's scary. It was, I suppose, only a matter of time before one of the world's mad men got the bomb. It's very disquieting. How much longer before it's in the hands of ahmadinahad? Or Al Qaeda? What's Kim going to do now, that he's got it? Will he use it? Only time will tell. The next question: What will the response of the civilized world be? Condemnation? or a real response?
I am really afraid that Kim is crazy enough to use the thing, or to give it someone who will.
The Response: Korea, the western world should immediately initiate military action to topple the kim regime and put North Korea under martial law until the population can be reprogrammed to appreciate the advantages of a free society. If it is an islamic entity to use the thing, then the first step should be to flatten mecca: hit 'em where it hurts. Then declare the entire cult a menace to civilized society and set about reforming, or when that fails, eliminating it.
I heard a radio show the other day, I think it was Dennis Prager. The title was: "War is never a good Idea." It was about a childrens book being released, to expouse the evils of war. Prager disagreed with the premise that war is never a good idea. I don't. I feel that war is never a good idea. Noone ever said, when bored for example: I've got a good idea: let's start a war!" It don't happen. Wars are a necessary evil. War is not a good idea, but sometimes it is necessary, sometimes it is the only way to stop a greater evil. WWII was not a good idea, but it was the only way to stop Japanese imperialism and Nazi evil. The war against terror is not a good idea, but it is the best idea we have to stop the fascistic muslims who are threatening world peace. The Cold War was not a good idea, but the alternative would have been to give in to the communist threat, which would have left the entire planet in the disastrous economic state that the USSR was in when it finally collapsed. Not even the revolutionary war or the civil war were good ideas, but they were necessary first to create this great land of ours, then to keep it together and make it free for all men.


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