
Ramblings from the Aisch

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5

My Photo
Location: Mittelfranken, Germany

I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

American Values

Those six Imams who acted suspiciously on the US Air flight are still in the news. There are all kinds of theories about what they were trying to. Some thought that observers were only being paranoid, or racist. Others thought they were doing a test run, others thought they were actually going to attempt to take the plane. I read one commentator on Townhall who postulated that perhaps they were looking to be insulted in order to initiate a lawsuit, on the grounds that running a Jihad is expensive.

It's all horse manure, when you get down to it. It's time to stop this Political Correct behaviour before it gets us all killed . Profiling is an effective way to stop crime and terrorism. While it may be true that most blacks are law abiding, most muslims are not terrorists, and most politicians are honest, the statistics suggest that we pay more attention to blacks when looking to prevent crime, to muslims to prevent terrorism, and to politicians when we want to expose liars.

I would love to see America become what she was always meant to be: One Nation Under God, Indivisable. One nation, not the many nations she is becoming. Multiculturalism is killing this great land, the greatest the world has ever known. Hyphenated Americans will be the death of her. We should all strive to be Americans, sharing a common culture and common dreams, and a common faith. There are those of the minorities in America that do try to escape the multi-culti hell that has been keeping them down, but they face derision from their peers, subject to hateful "white on the inside" insults: apples, twinkies, oreos. But they are not white on the inside, but American through and through. They are not selling out their race, but taking their place in the great American dream, accepting the opportunities that exist in America for all men, regardless of race or creed. America has opportunities for everyone, limited only by one's ambition and willingness to work.

Christianity is still under attack in political correct land. Trailers of the new nativity movie have been banned in Chicago.
The so-called war on Christmas has been reignited with an ironic decision by the city of Chicago to ban advertisements for "The Nativity Story" movie from a local Christmas festival, fearing they might offend non-Christians.
Most Americans are Christians, worry about offending them! These officials are elected, aren't they? No Christian should vote for these people again, who needs elected officials who are being paid to be insulting? We need people in elected positions who represent us, who acknowledge our beliefs and represent our needs and desires. We do not need representatives who represent the minority.

Liberal Political Correctness inundates the social arena, with the motto: "Do SOMETHING, even if it doesn't work, or even if it makes things worse!!" You have to show that you care. It is a well known example, so often ignored by do-gooders, that to steal from peter to feed paul is still stealing and wrong. Walter E. Williams, on wrote in today's column:
In other words, once Congress establishes that one person can live at the expense of another, it pays for everyone to try to do so. You say, "Williams, don't you believe in helping your fellow man?" Yes, I do. I believe that reaching into one's own pockets to help his fellow man is both laudable and praiseworthy. Reaching into another's pockets to help his fellow man is despicable and worthy of condemnation.
The bottom line: We love government because it enables us to accomplish things that if done privately would lead to arrest and imprisonment. For example, if I saw a person in need, and I took your money to help him, I'd be arrested and convicted of theft. If I get Congress to do the same thing, I am seen as compassionate.
This do good attitude of Liberals does good only for their own conscience. They hurt people in order to assuage their feelings of guilt. Africa is a continent of problems assacerbated by Liberal do-gooders, who throw money and grain at the problem, which is stolen by the corrupt governments instituted by these same Liberals, who used these people as experimental guinea pigs to test their social theories, then refused to accept the results as showing the failure of their theories. Michal Medved broaches this topic as well:
Why Some Liberals Admire a "Suicide for Peace"
In the same way, liberals judge national policies based on idealistic motivations rather than practical impact. They revere the “War on Poverty”; despite the fact that it almost certainly harmed the long-term interests of poor people, at least it reflected governmental concern for the less fortunate. In the same way, leftists supported Clinton’s interventions in Bosnia, Haiti, or Kosovo because the President meant to advance the cause of peace, not to serve any parochial U.S. interests. On the most elemental and intimate level, liberals love feeding programs or other handouts for the homeless – even though they help to extend the cycle of hopelessness. Motives count more than consequences.
It bears repeating: "Motive count more than consequences". He goes on to contrast the liberal methodology with conservative theory:
Conservatives, on the other hand, focus on results, on real world outcomes, and appreciate those who benefit humanity even if they’re driven by selfish motives. Drug companies, for instance, save millions of lives, regardless of their concern for the profit motive, and those who build new homes or develop beautiful new neighborhoods deserve credit for their contributions, even if they hope to make a killing in the process. Yes, conservatives may express admiration for those who sacrifice themselves, but only if that sacrifice serves some worthy cause – saving people from disease, or turning the tide of battle in one of this nation’s necessary wars.

It is time for all Americans to embrace Conservative ideology, to fight liberal idiocy, to champion the honest business man, and to stand up for Christian values. It is time we all stood together, to find real solutions to poverty world wide, to fight tyranny, and to end discrimination. It will take all people working together, in freedom. We need to learn about how the economy really works, and teach real values and free market standards to all. End subsidies, let industries that can not sustain themselves die off, and make room for new industries. It will cause hardships here and there, but not as much as the current state of affairs.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The world is going insane. $3500, I heard, for a Play Station 3 on E-bay. What is so important, so fascinating on this bit of electronic that so many people have to have one? I'm just not into video games like that. I play once in a while, but I prefer freeware games for the computer. They are usually interesting to play, and cost only the time to download. There are those, sure, that have an advertisement bit with them, but between my antivirus software and spy-bot, I can avoid those easy enough. The nicest thing about freeware is, if the game turns out to be boring, I've lost nothing! I only have to delete it and look for another.
Something has gone really wrong with our society. It's the same in Europe as well. No one wants to perform the simple jobs anymore. America relies on illegal mexicans for manual labor, Western Europe on Eastern Europeans. Germany tried, last summer, to do something against the high unemployment by requiring farmers to hire unemployed Germans for most farm labour positions last year. It failed miserably. The Germans could not do the work! They were simply too spoiled by the riches of modern, western civilization to be capable anymore of the work that was normal just a couple of decades ago.
I read in James Herriots books the reminiscences of an old farm hand that the vet met in the 30s, talking about the "old days", before the tractor. He told of how the men went out with the rising of the sun to work the fields, worked all day with only a short break for lunch, then came home. Upon arriving at the farm house, they fed the horses, ate their supper, then went back out to the barns to take care of the horses. That was every day except Sundays. I've read stories of lumberjacks in turn of the century Maine, who marched into the woods with their axes and saws on their shoulders each morning, and spent the whole day cutting trees. They had only a short break for lunch, and only quit working when it was too dark to continue.
Who today could work like that? We've become soft, weak. We've become too conditioned to the soft life, no more capable of real work than the aristocrats we fought in the revolutionary war. Unless something can change, somehow, we are in the end phase of the American dream, America has become to politically correct, to squeamish, to continue to exist. Our enemies are still comparatively strong; we hold them off only with our technology. But, like the minutemen in 1776, our enemies are finding ways to defeat us despite our advantages. They are hungrier then we are, driven by desire to escape poverty or by religious fire, another virtue lost today in America.
Where is the religious fire that our ancestors felt? No longer is it natural to believe in God, rather the norm is to question everything, including the basic faith that sustained America through 2 centuries.
America needs a revival in Faith in the One God, the great I AM. She needs a revival in the willingness of her citizens to work hard, long hours, with more vision for getting the job done rather than for the financial rewards.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Fight Discrimination with Discrimination

Canadian University Set to Prohibit Club Status For Any Group Opposed to Abortion
By John-Henry Westen

OTTAWA, November 24, 2006 ( - A motion debated at the November 21 session of the Carleton University Students' Association (CUSA) council meeting would prohibit any group opposed to abortion from attaining club status at the University. While aimed at a pro-life group of students seeking club status on campus, the proposed policy may ban Catholic, Evangelical, Jewish and Muslim clubs as well.

On November 21, Katy McIntyre Vice President of CUSA Student Services, proposed a "Motion to Amend Discrimination on Campus Policy" which would bar from club status all groups opposed to abortion. The motion stated:

1) CUSA and CUSA Inc. respect and affirm a woman's right to choose.
2) No CUSA resources, space, recognition or funding be allocated for anti-choice purposes.
Women should exercise their right to choose whether or not to engage in sexual activity. Their unborn child should not be made to suffer for a illconsidered moment. A woman has a responsibility to that tiny life growing inside of her that takes precedence over her own plans. This so called "right to choose" is pure selfishness, symptomatic of a self-centered societal mindset.
The summary of the motion argues that pro-life groups are "anti-choice", and "seek to remove choice by making abortion illegal and it would be impossible to make abortion illegal without violating the Canadian Constitution, by removing a woman's right to life, liberty, and security of the person".
What? And what about the "life, liberty, and security of the person" of the unborn child? That poor, defenseless, tiny bit of human life, to be thrown away for the conveniance of a selfish brat who chose to conceive.

Friday, November 24, 2006


Well, it's the day after Thanksgiving, the day we take the time to thank the good Lord for all he has done for us over the past year. Time to take some time to remember all the blessings we've been blessed with.
I haven't had the best year ever, but there was still things to be thankful for.
My daughter was accepted into the Gymnasium.
My colitis has gotten a lot better.
We're all healthy, except for my little problems.
America hasn't experienced another major terrorist attack.
We are still free to worship as we will.
I can still state my opinion on Islam without being threatened with death.
My computer still works.
My chickens continue to lay eggs.
My dog is healthy and relatively well behaved.
We have enough to eat and drink. The air we breath is relatively clean, the water out of our tap is plentiful and safe to drink.
We have so much more to be thankful for than the pilgrims at the first Thanksgiving, who had only the fact that they were still alive and had a harvest to be thankful for. They still faced another hard winter. Their number was growing with the arrival of more immigrants, none of whom brought supplies. The Indians in the area were for the most part peaceful, and helpful. Nothing was easy for them, but they considered it to be worth it, just for the chance to worship God as they saw fit.
That ability to worship God in our own way is under attack in the United States today. The ACLU works actively against all public display of Christian worship, acting as though any mention of God or Jesus in American public life carried as much weight as a Congressional fiat declaring one Christian denomination as the only one allowed in the world!
The ten commandments in a county courthouse, a nativity display in a town square, or a student thanking God at her commencement speech is the free exercise of religion, the very thing that sent those first pilgrims to the wild Massachusetts shore.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Juan Pablo in a Stock Car

AP: Montoya to Make Nextel Cup Debut
By JENNA FRYER, The Associated Press
Nov 15, 2006 6:27 PM (9 hrs ago)
Current rank: # 362 of 9,099 articles
CHARLOTTE, N.C. - Juan Pablo Montoya will attempt to make his Nextel Cup debut at Homestead-Miami Speedway in the No. 30 Dodge, The Associated Press has learned.

Car owner Chip Ganassi had briefly considered putting Montoya in the No. 42 Dodge, which is driven by Casey Mears and is guaranteed a spot in the field. The No. 30 is not, and Montoya will have to qualify the car to get into Sunday's race.

"He'll earn more respect if he qualifies the car then he will if he takes the freebie," Ganassi told the AP on Wednesday. "And isn't that what this has all been about? Gaining respect? At the end of the day, Juan didn't want a free pass into the race."
I watched Montoya compete in Formula 1 for the few years he raced in the series, always with the opinion he'd be much better suited to NASCAR. He's a good driver, but much too aggressive for Formula 1.

Iraqi Artist Honors US Troops

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

It's about time.

8I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, it is good for them if they abide even as I.

9But if they cannot contain, let them marry: for it is better to marry than to burn.

10And unto the married I command, yet not I, but the Lord, Let not the wife depart from her husband:

Corinthians 7:8-10 (King James Version)

AP reports:
Pope to Hold Summit on Married Priests
VATICAN CITY - Pope Benedict XVI has called a meeting Thursday with top Vatican officials to discuss lifting the celibacy requirement for priests seeking to marry or who have already married.

I am protestant in my faith, but was raised Catholic. I've felt for a long time that it is foolish to require Priests to be celibate.

Supreme Court and the Ten Commandments Amendments

This from World Net Daily
Ten Commandments stunner:
Feds lying at Supreme Court
Government tells modern visitors
it's Bill of Rights being honored

He was most disturbed by what appears to be revisionism in the presentations given to visitors at the Supreme Court. There, he said, his tour guide was describing the marble frieze directly above the justices' bench.

"Between the images of the people depicting the Majesty of the Law and Power of Government, there is a tablet with ten Roman numerals, the first five down the left side and the last five down the right. This tablet represents the first ten amendments of the Bill of Rights," she said.

The ten what? was DuBord's thought.

Read more here
This is a shameful, secular humanist revision of American history, a shameless denial of our Judeo-Christian heritage! DuBord also mentions in his piece that this anti-Christian propaganda is going on even at Jamestown, where tour guides claim that the settlers came to America for money, and fail to mention religious freedom or missionary work with the natives. I am so afraid for America, I fear God's wrath, if there is not soon a major revival of faith.
America's moral standards are dropping daily, and they'll drop faster with the likes of Pelosi as speaker of the house. The democrats have already decided to choose a black man for majority whip, over a better qualified white man, just to have a minority represented, as racist an act as any Jim Crow law. I hate seeing anyone, of any race, creed, or color, discriminated against, in any way, shape, or form.
In today's America, it is considered acceptable among the liberal elite to discriminate against the majority of Americans, the white, Christian Americans, in the name of "justice", to make up for past injuries. I say we should just let bygones be bygones, and give all Americans the same chances at success and happiness. I don't care who a man is, where he comes from, who his ancestors were. If he wants to live in America, and be successful, he needs to fulfill the same requirements of education and will to work and persevere as anyone else. And, he should be given an equal chance. Equal, not weighted because of his race or upbringing. People of all races had to struggle to be accepted in American society, had to adapt and become part of the wonderful American culture we know today, but which is being ripped to shreds by politically correct fools.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Focus on the Family Values

They just don't get it'
is why Republicans lost
Dobson, Bauer, Minnery, Perkins
say GOP ignored voters' values

The so-called "values voters" who handed both houses of Congress and the White House to Republicans in 2000 and 2004 were at this year's election, they just didn't see anybody promising to represent them, according to several leaders influential to that group of Americans.

The shame of it is, is that the "values voters" handed both houses to those who are even less likely to represent them.
"The unfortunate thing is that Republican leaders still don't appear to get it. Sen. Arlen Spector, R-Pa., said on Wednesday that the election results represented a 'seismic earthquake' and that his party must become 'a lot more progressive and a lot less ideological,'" said James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family and director of its dozens of publications and broadcast service that reaches about five million Americans daily.

The Republican leaders get the message that they were sent. The voters chose the more liberal party, so logically they want a more progressive and ideological government.
"Dick Armey emerged from four years in the wilderness to blame conservative Christians for Tuesday's defeat. They were, he said, 'too involved' with the party. He can't be serious! Someone should tell him that without the support of that specific constituency, John Kerry would be president and the Republicans would have fallen into a black hole in '04," he said.

BOVINE EXCREMENT!!!!!! They were not "too involved", they were not involved enough! Without the conservative Christians, of course Kerry would have won, the Democrats would have taken the congress in '04, the troops would have been pulled out of Iraq, and there would have been further attacks on American soil. The Republican party lost in '06 because they failed their constituents, they spent like drunken sailors, they ignored the illegal immigrant problem, they did nothing about abortion rights, they did nothing to protect marriage. And the dems in rep clothing didn't help matters, voting democrat got at least someone in whose more honest about who he is, rather than pseudo-republicans like Snowe, Collins, and McCain.
'Agent of Change' trounced by pro-war Republican Anti-war Democrat blames drubbing on her plain looks
A Democratic candidate considered one of the most outspoken critics of the Iraq war was clobbered by one of its biggest supporters in a Minnesota race that's received little media coverage.

She blames her loss on her "plain looks".
Incumbent Republican John Kline trounced anti-war activist Coleen Rowley by double digits in their bid for the state's 2nd congressional district. The blowout bucks conventional wisdom that anti-war sentiment worked in Democrats' favor across the board.

"Anti-war sentiments" had nothing to do with it. These moonbats can not comprehend that Islam presents a real danger for the free world, and they can not accept that anyone else believes that, unless they are brainwashed by the "rightist-elite". They really need to read through the koran, and learn about how it interprets to fundamental Islam.
Basically, a good, Koran believing, fundamentaly muslim wants to subjagate the whole world by force if necessary, into one large caliphate, submissive (Islam) to Allah. A good, Bible believing, fundamental Christian, loves his neighbor, desperately wants him to be saved and believe in Christ, but accepts if his neighbor chooses not to. He may approach his neighbor, he will pray for his neighbor, but he will not subject his neighbor to a dhimmi like status, nor will he chop his neighbor's head off, as the Koran commands the Muslim to do.
R.I. Senator May Leave Republican Party
Two days after losing a bid for a second term, Sen. Lincoln Chafee said he was unsure whether he would remain a Republican.

Chafee lost to Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse in a race seen as a referendum on President Bush and the GOP. On Thursday, he was asked whether he would stick with the Republican Party or become an independent or Democrat.

A rat leaving the ship?
He is the most liberal Republican in the Senate and was the sole Senate Republican to vote against the war in Iraq. But that was not enough to prevail against Whitehouse, who shared many of Chafee's views but was a Democrat in a heavily Democratic state.

Good riddance!
"There were times walking into my caucus room where it wasn't fun," he said, adding that he stayed with the GOP largely because it helped him bring federal dollars home to Rhode Island.

Just the kind of politician we don't need.
Is it any wonder Republicans lost? They abandoned the principles of the core voters, they gave the democrats lesson on spending, while at the same time cutting taxes. They failed to adequately inform the general public of the state of the union: despite the overall rosy economic outlook, low unemployment, booming stockmarket, people like my own mother believed that the economy was in real trouble, and the proof of thet the found at every gas pump, with the perceived high prices of fuel.
That's all it took, gas prices catching up with general inflation, plus doom and gloom MSM reporters, equals voter discontent and a democrat victory.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


The results of the election are, I find, disturbing. Ann Coulter writes:
Democrats support surrender in Iraq, higher taxes and the impeachment of President Bush. They just won an election by pretending to be against all three.

Get A Grip! says Flopping Aces
So because the base was upset we will NOT see another good conservative judge on SCOTUS for a looooong time. Because the base was upset we will not see ANY kind of illegal immigration enforcement. Because the base is upset will we see drawn out silly investigations of Bush while gridlock becomes commonplace in both houses. Because the base is upset we may very well see us abandoning the Iraqi’s to their fate as we did to the Vietnamese.

At least somebody's happy (Cindy Sheehan on Hot Air video
ACLU Cheers Election Results
Yesterday voters nationwide rejected candidates who failed to uphold civil liberties and rejected ballot initiatives that undermine fundamental freedoms of all Americans.

“American voters have reinvigorated our system of checks and balances essential to stopping the abuse of power,” said Anthony D. Romero, American Civil Liberties Union Executive Director. “Voters finally had enough of the 109th Congress that repeatedly rubber-stamped legislation that violates our basic rights. Voters also rejected many state ballot initiatives designed to restrict civil liberties and meddle in our personal lives. The 110th Congress should take note - voters rejected political scare tactics and government power grabs in favor of civil liberties and policies that keep us safe and free.”

So, a good day for cut and run Democrats, a good day for communists, a bad day for liberty, freedom, and American family values.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Gee, I think they like us now!!

Dems Wins in US Are Embraced Overseas
From Paris to Pakistan, politicians, analysts and ordinary citizens said they hoped the Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives would force President Bush to adopt a more conciliatory approach to global crises, and teach a president many see as a "cowboy" a lesson in humility.

Arabs React to U.S. Election Results
"I was really thrilled when I learned that the Democrats won in Congress," said Mohammed Ali, a Cairo auto parts salesman. "They are far better than the Republicans led by Bush, who destroyed everything everywhere. Look at Iraq, Palestine and Lebanon."

"President Bush is no longer acceptable worldwide," said Suleiman Hadad, a lawmaker in Syria, whose autocratic government has been shunned by the U.S.

Even in pro-Western Jordan, newspaper editor Nabil al-Sharif said many Arabs believe U.S. policies under Bush are "dangerous to the region and to the world."

"We are delighted that the American voters have at least disassociated themselves from these dangerous policies," he said.

Hamas Leader Says Israel Truce Is Over
"There must be a roaring reaction so that we avenge all those victims," he said. Two Palestinian militant groups promised to step up suicide attacks in response. Hamas' military wing in Gaza urged Muslims worldwide to attack U.S. targets, a call disavowed by the Hamas-led Palestinian government.

The European and Arab leaders like us now, we voted Democrats who support their view, The Arab on the street is embracing the Democrat win, even Hamas is shooting off fireworks to celebrate.
On the other hand:
In Israel, on the other hand, some analysts worried that political infighting between Democrats and Republicans in the run-up to the 2008 presidential election might distract the Americans from looming crises in the Middle East, chief among them the prospect of a nuclear Iran.

"Israelis perceive the Iranian threat as imminent," said Prof. Menahem Blondheim of Hebrew University. "Without political support at home and in his party and among American public, a decisive military or diplomatic move against Iran seems less and less likely."

Well, you can't please everyone.
Other's get it:
But some analysts - even some who opposed the war from the start - saw dangers for the region in a quick American departure from Iraq.

"The problem for Arabs now is, an American withdrawal could be a security disaster for the entire region," said Mustafa Alani, an Iraqi analyst for the Gulf Research Center in Dubai.

And others don't:
For many Arabs, the war in Iraq stands out as the defining event of the Bush administration.

Kuwaiti political analyst Abdul-Ridha Aseeri described Democrats' gains as a "normal reaction" to the president's "failed" policies in Iraq. Kuwait was among the few Arab countries where support for the war was strong when the conflict began in 2003.

Aseeri predicted the resurgent Democrats may succeed in pressuring Bush into a face-saving formula for withdrawing from Iraq.

I still believe it would be a great mistake to withdraw from the middle east. And a greater mistake to withdraw our support for Israel.
I really don't care if they like us, I care that America remains secure in her borders, and her people remain free. We do that by fighting tyranny and supporting democracy.
I favor supporting Israel by my faith: the Jews are God's chosen people, "3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed, Genesis 12:3", and also politically, they are a free democracy worthy of our support.

Dems Take House

By a good percentage. The American people have spoken, I just hope they realize they have spoken for:
Higher costs of goods: increased minimum wages, and increased union wages tied to minimum.
Higher Taxes: dems opposed tax cuts, and are in favor of increased social programs.
Increased risk of attack my muslim terrorist: the dems want to give the t's in Iraq the victory.
Decreased moral standards: The dems are known for advancing, for example, abortion and gay rights.
Cut and Run in Iraq, weaker military, more persecution of Christians.
Flood of Mexican immigrants, though if their social programs kill the economy sufficiently, that could stem the tide.

Many conservatives see the dem victory as a chance to regroup and get back to core beliefs, but how many consider that the liberals may have been doing that as well, lo these many years of Republican control?

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day

I am hoping and praying that the Republicans maintain control. As a conservative, I see a Republican that may or may not represent my views, a Democrat as one who represents views opposite of mine.
There's so much useless talk going on in the political arena, in the campaign ads and in the blogosphere. The country is at war right now, I think that, being as Americans are generally a peace loving people, winning this thing and returning to a state of peace should be the top priority right now. And it should be a peace like the end of WWII, an unconditional surrender on the part of our enemies, a total victory.
The cease fire in Korea, the fiasco in Vietnam, the 12 year long no fly zone war in Iraq, that's no way to run a peace. I believe a total victory saves lives: how many died as a result of the cold war and the aforementioned "peace" situations?
If we'd fought for a real peace with the USSR after WWII, if we'd fought N. Korea until they surrendered, if we'd supported the troops in Vietnam and achieved victory there, untold lives would have been saved, millions would have been spared living in brutal, totalitarian regimes.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saddam Verdict

The verdict is in and Saddam was found guilty, as expected. He is to be hanged, and, as expected, the protests have begun.
The Shiites, who lost people and were persecuted by Saddam, cheered, Saddam's buddies the Sunnis protested. Iran, England, and Australia cheered the decision. Never thought that Iran would be on our side in anything, but this is a special case, I suppose.
The evil, I find, is the protests in Europe against the judgement.
Underscoring the fault lines that split the international community and widened the divide between Muslims and Christians, Islamic leaders warned that Sunday's verdict could inflame those who revile the United States - undermining U.S. policy in the volatile Middle East and inspiring terrorists.

Saddam is a criminal, was tried by an Iraqi court, found guilty by an Iraqi court for crimes against the Iraqi people, and sentenced by an Iraqi court, so of course America is evil, George Bush planned it out to the last second to help his Republican hegemony keep control of America in their fascist plan to rule the world and crush the poor blah blah blah (for more see the moonbat robot on the sidebar)
"The hanging of Saddam Hussein will turn to hell for the Americans," said Vitaya Wisethrat, a respected Muslim cleric in Thailand, where a bloody Islamic insurgency is raging in the country's south.

"The Saddam case is not a Muslim problem but the problem of America and its domestic politics," he said. "The Americans are about to vote in a midterm election, so maybe Bush will use this case to tell the voters that Saddam is dead and that the Americans are safe. But actually the American people will be in more danger with the death of Saddam."

Yes, of course, we've heard it all before. The great Satan, although making life better and safer for Iraqis, is the bad guy again. It's all America's fault, don't you forget it.
Many European nations voiced their opposition to the death penalty, including France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Sweden, and a leading Italian opposition figure called on the continent to press for Saddam's sentence to be commuted to life imprisonment.

Where was the bleeding protest from European nations every time an adulterer or a homosexual was stoned to death in Iran or Saudi Arabia? Where was the protest when that sixteen year old girl was sentenced to death for chastity violations? I'm tired of America being held to higher standards than these barbarians, these fanatics that threaten the very foundations of freedom that America was built on, that we helped bring to Europe after WWII. They are throwing it all away, kowtowing to these Islamic b**t**ds! It makes me want to pull my hair out and scream! What is wrong with the world? If the people we have in charge today were around in 1945, Hitler would have been given a severe talking to.
The whole of civilization is going down the tubes at this rate. The fear of islam is chipping away at our freedoms bit by bit. The free world has no concept of evil anymore, moral relativism is causing us to care more about the rights and problems of criminals than the rights of free people to live in peace. They take away our guns, so that a poor, disadvantaged burglar won't risk getting shot. They take care not to offend the muslims for fear of more violence: "Don't accuse them of being violent, somebody might get hurt!!!"
These jealous nincompoops spend all their time looking for something to use against America, instead of building their own countries up to American standards. The accuse America of having to little safety nets for the poor, and fail to see their own safety nets are driving their countries into financial ruin.
I read in the paper today, that sport fans wearing bomber jackets will be turned away at the stadium gates, because neo-nazis wear bomber jackets, and it's possible that the jacket wearer is also a neo-nazi. This from the same people who would never profile an arab. So much for innocent until proven guilty, with this action are the Germans worse than they accuse the Americans of being!
Yes: the neo nazis are a danger, they do cause violence, but: how about a little fairness? If you're going to ban the neo-nazis, ban the muslims as well; both groups are violent, both groups are fascist dipsticks that want their own view of culture to prevail. When it comes down to it, the Neo-nazis aren't as bad as the muslims: The NNs only want to control Germany, and throw out anyone who isn't German. The muslims want to rule the whole world! Religion of peace, my left ......

Friday, November 03, 2006

In a war zone, imagine that

Associated press reports "November Off to Bloody Start in Iraq"
BAGHDAD, Iraq - A blood-drenched October has passed into a violent early November as a motorcycle rigged with explosives ripped through a crowded Shiite market in Sadr City on Thursday and suspected Sunni insurgent gunmen killed a Shiite dean of Baghdad University.

Who'd of thought, that there'd be violence in a war zone.
Also Friday, U.S. troops killed 13 suspected insurgents in a raid south of Baghdad, the military said.

Troops were acting on intelligence reports saying a suspect with links to al-Qaida in Iraq was in the building in Muqdadiyah, 60 miles north of Baghdad, the military said.

But of course, there are no al-Qaeda in Iraq, there were al-Qaida.
This violence is not reason to bring the troops home, but rather to step up our commitment and bring an end to the violence, by rooting out every last one of these "insurgents".

Sad note

A teenager poured out her heart on yellow-lined paper in the curlicue pencil handwriting of a schoolgirl, begging God to forgive her and asking for a second chance.

"Lord, I know that I have had an abortion and I killed one of your angels," she wrote. "There is not a day that goes by that I don't think about the mistake I made."

From an article in the Examiner, about "letters to God" found on a New Jersey beach.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Kerry, Kerry, get a clue!

"This is the classic GOP playbook," Kerry said. "I'm sick and tired of these despicable Republican attacks that always seem to come from those who never can be found to serve in war, but love to attack those who did. I'm not going to be lectured by a stuffed suit White House mouthpiece standing behind a podium."

John Kerry, quoted in World Net Daily
Here is a despicable Republican attack on the troops:
'What you're doing is noble and important and you're going to win and history will look back and thank you for your sacrifices.'

The President, in the same article.
Kerry's problem appears to be that he doesn't know who the enemy is, which shows he hasn't changed since he helped the Viet Cong win in Vietnam.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Gays, Muslims, Immigrants

World Net Daily was plastered today with gay news. Had that line been written 100 years ago, it would have been reason to suspect that good news was in the air. Alas, it is 2006 and "gay news" means more stories of perceived discrimination, and today, murder.
A Wal*Mart worker quit over Wal*Mart's support of the gay agenda, claiming that she can no longer support the low moral standards that have become the norm for the company. When Sam Walton ran the company, she said, he maintained a high moral standard, ran the company by Christian values. Today, girly magazines are found in the magazine rack next to the Field & Stream. I think that Wal*Mart is making a big mistake in their support of the GLBT agenda, making a move that will alienate them from their core consumers. Oh, I suppose that most customers will not be willing to give up the lower prices because of it, but I do believe that they will lose more than they gain.
A gay man who killed a catholic woman in 2002 goes on trial, four years after the fact. What happened to a speedy trial? The story reports:
She was stabbed, strangled, raped and beaten, and then her body was stuffed in a crawl space under the floor of an apartment, he reported.

It goes on:
"It happened because she could not leave him alone in his (homosexual) lifestyle," she said, describing the apparent confrontation between the two at the Sikorsky Funeral Home where Stochowicz worked and where Gutierrez lived in an apartment with his partner, Ray.

The attorney for the killer claims that Stachowicz'words were an assault on his client.
"The Gutierrez defense team's Politically Correct courtroom ploy ought to be called the 'Anti-homophobe Panic Defense,'" said Peter LaBarbera, president of Americans for Truth, a pro-family organization. "Marchigiani's is an ugly attempt to exploit the liberal caricature of Christians who oppose homosexuality as crazed haters with a penchant for aggression."

Christian haters posted comments:
"I really don't feel sorry for her. She paid a very steep price for being an arrogant religious fascist. Too bad for her," said "Iris" in a posting on the ACLU Online Forum.

"Maybe this will give pause to other people who similarly try to 'help' homosexuals," said "Silence Dogood" on the same forum.

"The mainstream media and homosexual advocacy organizations have reacted to Mary Stachowicz's murder the same way they did to 13-year-old Jesse Dirkhising's torture-murder at the hands of two homosexual men in 1999: by avoiding it," said Allyson Smith of the CFI (Culture and Family Institute).

Allyson Smith also reported that:
there was no condemnation of the murder from Human Rights Campaign, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, or the Gay and Lesbian Alliance or the Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation.

Reports from the middle east say that many muslims have protested against Christian missionaries, saying that Christian teaching are destroying the fighting spirit of the muslim young people. duh! That's the whole point of Christian teaching, at least in this case. Christians only fight when there is no other choice, but in Jerusalem, where these reports originate, there is another choice, at least for anyone who isn't a crazed, radical, jew hating, Mohammed worshipping, towel-headed muslim wannabe suicide bomber! That is, to live together in peace! The jews do not necessarily want the muslims to go away, only the ones that want to kill jews. The Christians are open as well to others living there, after Jesus' teaching to love your enemy.

Immigrants are still in the news, especially Mexicans. One side of the argument gives good reasons why the immigrants are taking jobs away, and the other side says that not only does America need the manpower, those above and beyond what America needs do not take jobs, but free Americans to take higher paying jobs, jobs that are created due to the higher demand for goods and services created by the money earning immigrants.
I think that, like most things, the truth lies somewhere between the extremes. There are other factors that niether side takes into account, such as tariffs, taxes, subsidies (so called corporate welfare), etc. In a free market economy, when the market is free to regulate itself, immigration is good for the economy. The extra manpower is absorbed as the demand for goods and services creates a need for an increased supply. The problems come when the market is not free, when production is skewed by subsidies, when demand and investment are strangled by higher taxes, or when the money earned by the immigrant workers is sent back to the mother country, instead of being spent in the new land.
Immigration needs to be strictly regulated especially in wartime, as it is now. We are involved in a conflict with a dangerous foe, made more dangerous by the apathy and outright hostility on the part of the American people towards the war. The war is being fought in too limited a fashion, life goes on in America as though no war were being fought and the people are exposed to it only on the news, or in those (relatively) rare cases when personally touched by a casualy or death of a soldier they are related to or know personally.
The death toll does sound bad on the news, any death of a soldier in combat is a tragedy, but we are at war, there is an enemy that wants to destroy everything that America stands for. If we were not so afraid of the negative publicity over collateral damage (dead civilians), we could hit the terrorists a lot harder. We've all seen what happened when Israel did that, though. The scorn of the whole world was directed towards them, for defending themselves the only way they could. The most ridiculous phrase I heard out of that whole thing was "proportional response". War is not about proportional response, or punishing the enemy for attacking. It is about winning by destroying the enemy, killing him or destroying his will to fight.
People die in war, war is evil, the most evil thing most of us will ever see. The only way to deal with those that would make war against us to to destroy them utterly, that they no longer want to make war. Cease fires are only life support systems for war, the war festers and grows under the protection of the cease fire. This is happening in Korea, in the North hatred for America is taught in the schools, children are taught lies about how evil America and the rest of the free world is. North Korea has developed an atom bomb, who knows when or if they'll use it. If Iran gets their hands on it, I have no doubt that they'll use it. MAD doesn't work against he who believes that 72 virgins are waiting for him.