American Values
It's all horse manure, when you get down to it. It's time to stop this Political Correct behaviour before it gets us all killed . Profiling is an effective way to stop crime and terrorism. While it may be true that most blacks are law abiding, most muslims are not terrorists, and most politicians are honest, the statistics suggest that we pay more attention to blacks when looking to prevent crime, to muslims to prevent terrorism, and to politicians when we want to expose liars.
I would love to see America become what she was always meant to be: One Nation Under God, Indivisable. One nation, not the many nations she is becoming. Multiculturalism is killing this great land, the greatest the world has ever known. Hyphenated Americans will be the death of her. We should all strive to be Americans, sharing a common culture and common dreams, and a common faith. There are those of the minorities in America that do try to escape the multi-culti hell that has been keeping them down, but they face derision from their peers, subject to hateful "white on the inside" insults: apples, twinkies, oreos. But they are not white on the inside, but American through and through. They are not selling out their race, but taking their place in the great American dream, accepting the opportunities that exist in America for all men, regardless of race or creed. America has opportunities for everyone, limited only by one's ambition and willingness to work.
Christianity is still under attack in political correct land. Trailers of the new nativity movie have been banned in Chicago.
The so-called war on Christmas has been reignited with an ironic decision by the city of Chicago to ban advertisements for "The Nativity Story" movie from a local Christmas festival, fearing they might offend non-Christians.Most Americans are Christians, worry about offending them! These officials are elected, aren't they? No Christian should vote for these people again, who needs elected officials who are being paid to be insulting? We need people in elected positions who represent us, who acknowledge our beliefs and represent our needs and desires. We do not need representatives who represent the minority.
Liberal Political Correctness inundates the social arena, with the motto: "Do SOMETHING, even if it doesn't work, or even if it makes things worse!!" You have to show that you care. It is a well known example, so often ignored by do-gooders, that to steal from peter to feed paul is still stealing and wrong. Walter E. Williams, on wrote in today's column:
In other words, once Congress establishes that one person can live at the expense of another, it pays for everyone to try to do so. You say, "Williams, don't you believe in helping your fellow man?" Yes, I do. I believe that reaching into one's own pockets to help his fellow man is both laudable and praiseworthy. Reaching into another's pockets to help his fellow man is despicable and worthy of condemnation.This do good attitude of Liberals does good only for their own conscience. They hurt people in order to assuage their feelings of guilt. Africa is a continent of problems assacerbated by Liberal do-gooders, who throw money and grain at the problem, which is stolen by the corrupt governments instituted by these same Liberals, who used these people as experimental guinea pigs to test their social theories, then refused to accept the results as showing the failure of their theories. Michal Medved broaches this topic as well:
The bottom line: We love government because it enables us to accomplish things that if done privately would lead to arrest and imprisonment. For example, if I saw a person in need, and I took your money to help him, I'd be arrested and convicted of theft. If I get Congress to do the same thing, I am seen as compassionate.
Why Some Liberals Admire a "Suicide for Peace"
In the same way, liberals judge national policies based on idealistic motivations rather than practical impact. They revere the “War on Poverty”; despite the fact that it almost certainly harmed the long-term interests of poor people, at least it reflected governmental concern for the less fortunate. In the same way, leftists supported Clinton’s interventions in Bosnia, Haiti, or Kosovo because the President meant to advance the cause of peace, not to serve any parochial U.S. interests. On the most elemental and intimate level, liberals love feeding programs or other handouts for the homeless – even though they help to extend the cycle of hopelessness. Motives count more than consequences.It bears repeating: "Motive count more than consequences". He goes on to contrast the liberal methodology with conservative theory:
Conservatives, on the other hand, focus on results, on real world outcomes, and appreciate those who benefit humanity even if they’re driven by selfish motives. Drug companies, for instance, save millions of lives, regardless of their concern for the profit motive, and those who build new homes or develop beautiful new neighborhoods deserve credit for their contributions, even if they hope to make a killing in the process. Yes, conservatives may express admiration for those who sacrifice themselves, but only if that sacrifice serves some worthy cause – saving people from disease, or turning the tide of battle in one of this nation’s necessary wars.
It is time for all Americans to embrace Conservative ideology, to fight liberal idiocy, to champion the honest business man, and to stand up for Christian values. It is time we all stood together, to find real solutions to poverty world wide, to fight tyranny, and to end discrimination. It will take all people working together, in freedom. We need to learn about how the economy really works, and teach real values and free market standards to all. End subsidies, let industries that can not sustain themselves die off, and make room for new industries. It will cause hardships here and there, but not as much as the current state of affairs.