Ramblings from the Aisch
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
Proverbs 3:5
About Me
- Name: Mainer in Exile
- Location: Mittelfranken, Germany
I am a Christian Libertarian from the state of Maine, living in a self imposed exile in Germany, with my wife and kids.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I may be a little late with this, but it's just great: "the Greatest Movie Line Ever", posted back in August by Brutally Honest. It's terrific!
Monday, October 30, 2006
Random Ramblings
What ought I write about today? Gay marriage is a hot topic, with the bruhaha in New Jersey. Somewhat closer to home for me is the disrespectful handling of some old skulls by some German soldiers. A German blogger asks if the world really expects German soldiers to behave any better than German soldiers.
There was an awful wreck near hear over the weekend. One car stopped when the driver decided he wanted to turn left, but had to wait for the oncoming bus. The second car stopped behind him. The BMW sports that came up as the third car in that lane had a driver who made one too many bad decisioins: he decided to pass the two cars waiting for the bus, crashed head on into the bus, and was dragged 25 meters to the next tree, where the car was transformed instantly into a pile of scrap metal wrapped around human remains. Some people should never have received a driver's license.
Our village's soccer team won their game this weekend, 3:1.
Looking through the classifieds yesterday I saw an ad from someone trying to give away a 25 year old horse. Probably trying to save the disposal costs of the carcass.
I spent years trying to figure out the German politics, as there did not appear to be much difference between the two major parties, the CDU/CSU and the SPD. I finally figured out it was because there isn't a whole lot of difference. It's getting that way in America as well though, with the tax and spend Republicans we have representing us now not being very much different than the tax and spend Demeocrats they were sent there to replace.
Looks like Schumachers going to stay with Ferrari, as Jean Todt's assistant. The scuderia's not going to be what it was, though: Jean Todt's moving to another job away from the racing team, Schumacher's going with him, Ross Brawn is retiring, and the chassis designer is dropping back to a consulting roll. Kimi isn't going to find the team he thought he was joining waiting for him. They're going to need to rebuild the whole team again, with the backbone gone as it is.
There was an awful wreck near hear over the weekend. One car stopped when the driver decided he wanted to turn left, but had to wait for the oncoming bus. The second car stopped behind him. The BMW sports that came up as the third car in that lane had a driver who made one too many bad decisioins: he decided to pass the two cars waiting for the bus, crashed head on into the bus, and was dragged 25 meters to the next tree, where the car was transformed instantly into a pile of scrap metal wrapped around human remains. Some people should never have received a driver's license.
Our village's soccer team won their game this weekend, 3:1.
Looking through the classifieds yesterday I saw an ad from someone trying to give away a 25 year old horse. Probably trying to save the disposal costs of the carcass.
I spent years trying to figure out the German politics, as there did not appear to be much difference between the two major parties, the CDU/CSU and the SPD. I finally figured out it was because there isn't a whole lot of difference. It's getting that way in America as well though, with the tax and spend Republicans we have representing us now not being very much different than the tax and spend Demeocrats they were sent there to replace.
Looks like Schumachers going to stay with Ferrari, as Jean Todt's assistant. The scuderia's not going to be what it was, though: Jean Todt's moving to another job away from the racing team, Schumacher's going with him, Ross Brawn is retiring, and the chassis designer is dropping back to a consulting roll. Kimi isn't going to find the team he thought he was joining waiting for him. They're going to need to rebuild the whole team again, with the backbone gone as it is.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Wake Up! The Muslims are coming!

It's time to wake up America! The enemy is awake and actively working against us. The have penetrated our very government and entertainment industry with their evil propaganda, influencing even our president with their lies.
The enemy is Islam! Allah is Satan and Mohammed is he chief stooge.
Their lies have lead most of us to believe that Islam is a religion of tolerance and peace. Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam, since its inception, has been a warrior cult. What they did on 9/11 was a look at the truth of Islam. It was part of a string of terror comitted by the forces of evil since Mohammed first had his deranged visions.
Wake up, free world, if you want to stay free. Islam dreams of a world caliphat, the whole world under sharia law, locked forever in a constant war between Shia and Sunni.
Wake up and prepare to fight, or learn arabic and read the koran. Buy burkas for your women folk.
They hate us all, all the infidels. They hate us for believing Jesus is God, and that he died on the cross for our sins. They hate us for killing our babies in the womb. They hate us for every bottle of beer we drink, for every oz. of pork we eat. They hate us for allowing our women to drive and to work and to be educated and to vote. They hate us for not killing our homosexuals, for not hating our homosexuals. They hate us for not denouncing sin where we see it. They hate us for not believing the Koran, and they hate us more for not following the teachings of our own religion.
They hate Europe as well, their hatred grows with each schweine schnitzel eaten in the ruhr gebiet, for each glass Apfelwoi drunk in Frankfurt, for each Bratwurst eaten in Nürnberg, for each glass of wine drunk in Würzburg, for each glass of beer in Munich.
They hate the English, the hate the French. They hate the Italiens for harbouring the vaticans within their border. The really hate the Danish, need I say why?
They attack the US first, because that is their strongest enemy. They think they can get the rest later. The French ought to be easy. They've been fighting the Jew since the time of Mohammed, they idolize Adolph Hitler (Mein Kampf is a bestseller), while at the same time hating him for being an infidel. They like to deny that the holocaust happened, while at the same time threatening to finish the job.
I do not hate them, but I want them stopped before they destroy all that I love. Do as Ann Coulter suggested: Bomb their cities, Kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.
Stop Ahmed di Nijad before he gets the bomb. Destroy his nuclear facilities; we know where they are. Stop North Korea: They are not Islam, but the muslims treat them as freinds, as they are, in the words of Stalin, useful idiots, allies for the time being in the fight against stronger enemies, weakling that can then be defeated in due time.
Send all muslims in the freeworld back to the desert, unless they are will to renounce Islam (make them eat a pork chop as proof of their conversion). Tear down the mosques, or convert them to pig farms. Burn all copies of the Koran in the free world, it is the bible of the prince of lies, it is written in the pages of the unholy book that Allah is the master of cunning, which is synonomous with being the prince of lies, the lord of flies, the adversary.
Islam divides the world into the house of Islam and the house of War. That is not condusive to tolerance! Muslim tolerance is tolerating Christians and Jews to live as second class citizens, as Dhimmi, under Sharia law. The testimony of Dhimmi is worth half that of a muslim woman, which is half that of a muslim man. Dhimmi are required to pay exhorbitant taxes, are not allowed to build or repair churches, are not allowed to openly worship. All those who value freedom of religion take heed!
Islam hate adultery as Christianity and Judaism do, but where Judeo-Christian belief seeks penance and forgiveness for the adulterer, Islam seeks horrible death by stoning, a cruel, ghastly method of execution. All member of the community are required to attend. There are strict rules as to how big the rocks can be, big enough to do damage, but not so big as to cause death too soon. Thieves have their hands chopped off, women who have been raped are hung for crimes against chastity. If we do not stop Islam, and soon, This will be happening here.
Adulterers will be buried to their waists and stoned in Times Square. Theives will have their hands chopped off in front of the Eiffel tower. Girls will be hung from in Berlin. Murderers will have their heads chopped off with a sword in Tokyo.
None are safe from this threat! Not the Europeans, not the Chinese, not the "friends" of Islam, such as Hugo Chavez and Kim Jong Il. When the more powerful enemies are destroyed, they too will be offered the choice of conversion, dhimmitude, or death.
Their friend in America must be stopped: dismantle the ACLU, end Islamic symptathy in Hollywood and the mainstream media. Shake the liberals politicians until they wake up, open their eyes, and see that which is threatening everything they hold dear. For it is the Liberals, to whom they kow tow, that they secretly hate the most. They coddle and patronize the left, to keep them complacent and assist in their destruction.
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
In sewer ants
John Stossel writes about health insurance as a employee benefit, saying that it is a bad idea and giving his reasons. The same arguments can be used against a national health care system, such as we have here in the Bundesrepulik. National health care is, in my experiences with it, expensive and inefficient. The average worker pays between 13% and 15% of his gross income for health insurance, plus any private "zusatz" insurance he may choose to have to get better care is he or a member of his family should be hospitalized. Then comes the hidden costs, the government portion of the health care.
Hidden taxes are a way of life in Germany, probably in all of Europe. The high gas prices add to the cost of all comodities. The high labor costs add to the cost of all commodities. The labour cost are not only wages, but federally forced benefits, such as the aforementioned health care (the employer must match the employee contribution), unemployment insurance (equally paid by employee and employer), care insurance to assist during recuperation (also equally paid by employee and employer), accident insurance (paid by employer), and retirement insurance (similar to social security, again paid equally by employee and employer).
Add to these costs the union inspired high wages, and you end up with the most expensive labour in the world, and an unemployment rate of over 10%. This is what the democrat party is working for in America.
Hidden taxes are a way of life in Germany, probably in all of Europe. The high gas prices add to the cost of all comodities. The high labor costs add to the cost of all commodities. The labour cost are not only wages, but federally forced benefits, such as the aforementioned health care (the employer must match the employee contribution), unemployment insurance (equally paid by employee and employer), care insurance to assist during recuperation (also equally paid by employee and employer), accident insurance (paid by employer), and retirement insurance (similar to social security, again paid equally by employee and employer).
Add to these costs the union inspired high wages, and you end up with the most expensive labour in the world, and an unemployment rate of over 10%. This is what the democrat party is working for in America.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Not Good!
Title: Minimum wage, war top Democrats' plans
Source: Yahoo!
Minimum wage is the biggest economic farce ever, especially since union wages are tied to the minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage has never been good for the economy. Rising wages drive up prices by increasing production costs. The increase in wages, however, puts the consumer in a higher tax bracket, effectively reducing his buy power. It is better to increase wages by increasing competition. Competition is increased by improving the business climate, for example through tax cuts. But tax cuts are bad for the national debt, if not accompanied by spending cuts. A high national debt, I believe, devalues the money supply by making government bonds less attractive.
I have to keep saying it: The federal government needs to get out of the welfare and pension business. It costs to much for help for the poor to be centally managed in Washington. I need to check, also, sometime on the amount of pork included in each welfare bill. I can imagine it must be pretty high, I'll be surprised if it's not.
Pork is another area that costs the taxpayer billions of dollars every year. We need a man in the white house who would, without exception, automatically veto any bill containing pork that has nothing to do with the bill itself.
Example: USA Today, 11/22/2004. Budget bill has $15.8B in extras
That was 2004! What's going on now?
From Citizens Against Government Waste's "pig book":
Eliminating pork completely would be a step in the right direction in settling the national debt and cutting the deficit.
Those are my views right now, but I am researching this further, so there could be some changes coming.
Source: Yahoo!
WASHINGTON - Democrats say they will burst out of a 12-year exile with a bang if they win control of Congress in two weeks. They promise to quickly pass a minimum wage increase at home and to reduce the U.S. war role in Iraq.
Minimum wage is the biggest economic farce ever, especially since union wages are tied to the minimum wage. Raising the minimum wage has never been good for the economy. Rising wages drive up prices by increasing production costs. The increase in wages, however, puts the consumer in a higher tax bracket, effectively reducing his buy power. It is better to increase wages by increasing competition. Competition is increased by improving the business climate, for example through tax cuts. But tax cuts are bad for the national debt, if not accompanied by spending cuts. A high national debt, I believe, devalues the money supply by making government bonds less attractive.
I have to keep saying it: The federal government needs to get out of the welfare and pension business. It costs to much for help for the poor to be centally managed in Washington. I need to check, also, sometime on the amount of pork included in each welfare bill. I can imagine it must be pretty high, I'll be surprised if it's not.
Pork is another area that costs the taxpayer billions of dollars every year. We need a man in the white house who would, without exception, automatically veto any bill containing pork that has nothing to do with the bill itself.
Example: USA Today, 11/22/2004. Budget bill has $15.8B in extras
A look at the fine print in the legislation, however, reveals more than 11,000 "earmarks" that add up to about $15.8 billion, or about 4% of the overall spending. Earmarks are money set aside for special projects. These include $300,000 for a parking garage in Auburn, Maine, $8 million to rehabilitate a "historic cafeteria building" in Oregon's Crater Lake National Park and $1.1 million for research into the development of baby food and other products made from salmon.What business has the federal government building a parking garage in Auburn, Maine, or anywhere else for that matter. $8 million to rehab a cafe in Oregon? Isn't that the responsibility of the owner of the cafeteria, or at least the Oregon park servcie? And the 1.1 mill for research into salmon ought to be paid by the people raising the fish, the one's, in fact, making profit from it. Research made on government grants has been shown to be mostly frivolous projects that no sensible business man will finance.
That was 2004! What's going on now?
Disclose earmarks. Tell us, in obscure congessional journals most likely, where the pork is going. Oh Goody! Now, if we're willing to dig for it, we'll know how our money is being wasted! These earmarks, this pork barrel legislation, needs to be stopped cold, not disclosed.House Votes To Disclose Earmarks
Rule Change Defers Broad Lobby Reform
Washington Post Staff Writer
Friday, September 15, 2006; Page A01
The House voted yesterday to shed more light on narrow-interest tax and spending legislation called earmarks, an incremental step toward openness that ended the prospect for a more sweeping overhaul of federal lobbying laws this year.
From Citizens Against Government Waste's "pig book":
The guilty pleas of lobbyist Jack Abramoff and former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham illustrate how pork-barrel projects, whether used as currency for re-election or as political favors to well-connected individuals or businesses, can corrupt the political process. The historic lack of restraint in the appropriations process has helped create a projected $371 billion budget deficit in fiscal 2006 and a national debt of $8.5 trillion. Whether the lobbying scandal and the outrage of taxpayers over “bridges to nowhere” will force Congress to cut the pork remains to be seen.
This year, there was good news and bad news. For fiscal 2006, appropriators stuffed 9,963 projects into the 11 appropriations bills, a 29 percent decrease over last year’s total of 13,997. Despite the reduction in the number of earmarks, Congress porked out at record dollar levels with $29 billion in pork for 2006, or 6.2 percent more than last year’s total of $27.3 billion. In fact, the total cost of pork has increased by 29 percent since fiscal 2003. Total pork identified by CAGW since 1991 adds up to $241 billion.
Eliminating pork completely would be a step in the right direction in settling the national debt and cutting the deficit.
Those are my views right now, but I am researching this further, so there could be some changes coming.
Monday, October 23, 2006
This and That rants, it all comes down to Morals
Shocking news yesterday. A 22 year old, having contractions, shot her baby in the womb, and was aquitted of any wrong doing. Amazing. Horrible. How can a mother shoot her own baby in the womb? I can not comprehend what is going on, when something like this happens. A mother shoots her own child. And the courts let her get away with it. She really needs to be put away for psychological evaluation and therapy, for as long as it takes.
Question: Who pays for it?
It all goes back to morals. If she'd had the moral good sense to stay away from the kind of man that got her in the situation in the first place. Who knows.
Libs slam DeVos in MI for relationship with the Nuge. Libs claim that Uncle Ted claims that women deserve to be rape. They take his quotes out of context, though, even though their web site contained enough of the context that any reasonably intelligent human being, whose judgement was not clouded by liberal propaganda, could see where Ted Nugent was coming from. His point was that women who were not willing to defend themselves have basically dug their own grave. The police can not be everywhere, and the liberals themselves have created and fostered the moral environment that leads to the rapes occuring in the first place.
What the free world needs is a higher moral standard in the areas of personal rights, sexual behaviour, personal responsibility, and respect for property.
As far as enforcement of moral behaviour: I believe strongly in the maxim that the Government which governs least governs best. So government enforcement of moral standards is unacceptable. I do not believe that you can legislate morality: morality needs to be taught. A democracy like the United States of America (I know, it's not really a democracy, but a republic. The representatives are, however, democratically elected.) can not operate without a high standard of morality among its citizens. The welfare state and the large amount of pork in every bill passing through congress are indications of the low moral state of the union.
The federal government's only reason for existance is to protect the rights of the people. They are not their to grant rights, nor are they there to protect imagined rights, like the right to quality health care. Health care, at this level of civilization, is still a commodity for those that can afford it. It could be that the day is coming when health care becomes a right, but right now it is still too expensive. It is not right that the government takes money without permission to pay for health care for those that can not afford it. The right way to provide health is through voluntary donations, on a case by case basis. A good example of this is here.
I use health care only as an example. There are many more ways in which the federal government is overstepping their bounds: welfare, gun control legislation, Roe v Wade, "the bridge to nowhere", NAFTA, farm subsidies, protective tariffs, the proposed legislation/amendment to protect marriage, etc. The list goes on and on. The US federal government is grown out of proportion, into a giant, sucking entity, drawing off the wealth of the country and its people.
The proper job of the government is the protection of the God given rights which all men have. A strong military is necessary, to protect our national interests and to prevent foreign interests from infringing on our rights.
Foreign interests infringing on our rights: case in point, the proposed UN gun control legislation, in direct opposition to the second amendment, which exists to protect the basic right of self defense. There are people living in the United States whose abode is 10 miles or more from the nearest representative of the local law enforcement agency. These people cannot rely on the government to defend them! And you do not need to be 10 miles out for this to apply to you. The cops can not be everywhere all the time. The first line of defense is the individual, and with the supercrooks the prison system is turning out, a gun is the only way most of us can defend ourselves.
The prison system is, in my opinion, a total failure. It is more of a college and training ground for criminals than a real form of punishment. Liberal legislation has emasculated the prison system, in the name of protecting the poor, disadvantaged souls from anything that could even remotely considered cruel and unusual punishment. The only phrase in the constitution with which I disagree. What exactly is "cruel and unusual?" Something unusual could be the answer, instead of incarceration, for first time juvenile offenders. And prison time should be at least a little bit cruel, if it is to be something that potential criminals will want to avoid (deterance).
Homosexuality is a mental disease, regardless of what those brainwashed, so-called experts want to say about it. To want to engage in any sort of unnatural act with a member of your own sex is not a normal mode of behaviour. And don't tell me Jesus never said anything about it: He did say that the Father created them Man and Woman, and the Man is leave his mother and father and join to his wife, that the two shall be one. And what God has joined together, let no man sunder. I paraphrased a bit, I think, as I did type from memory. Check your Bible for the exact quote, or use one of the excellant online Bibles at the Blue Letter Bible or Bible Gateway. (See links in Sidebar).
Question: Who pays for it?
It all goes back to morals. If she'd had the moral good sense to stay away from the kind of man that got her in the situation in the first place. Who knows.
Libs slam DeVos in MI for relationship with the Nuge. Libs claim that Uncle Ted claims that women deserve to be rape. They take his quotes out of context, though, even though their web site contained enough of the context that any reasonably intelligent human being, whose judgement was not clouded by liberal propaganda, could see where Ted Nugent was coming from. His point was that women who were not willing to defend themselves have basically dug their own grave. The police can not be everywhere, and the liberals themselves have created and fostered the moral environment that leads to the rapes occuring in the first place.
What the free world needs is a higher moral standard in the areas of personal rights, sexual behaviour, personal responsibility, and respect for property.
As far as enforcement of moral behaviour: I believe strongly in the maxim that the Government which governs least governs best. So government enforcement of moral standards is unacceptable. I do not believe that you can legislate morality: morality needs to be taught. A democracy like the United States of America (I know, it's not really a democracy, but a republic. The representatives are, however, democratically elected.) can not operate without a high standard of morality among its citizens. The welfare state and the large amount of pork in every bill passing through congress are indications of the low moral state of the union.
The federal government's only reason for existance is to protect the rights of the people. They are not their to grant rights, nor are they there to protect imagined rights, like the right to quality health care. Health care, at this level of civilization, is still a commodity for those that can afford it. It could be that the day is coming when health care becomes a right, but right now it is still too expensive. It is not right that the government takes money without permission to pay for health care for those that can not afford it. The right way to provide health is through voluntary donations, on a case by case basis. A good example of this is here.
I use health care only as an example. There are many more ways in which the federal government is overstepping their bounds: welfare, gun control legislation, Roe v Wade, "the bridge to nowhere", NAFTA, farm subsidies, protective tariffs, the proposed legislation/amendment to protect marriage, etc. The list goes on and on. The US federal government is grown out of proportion, into a giant, sucking entity, drawing off the wealth of the country and its people.
The proper job of the government is the protection of the God given rights which all men have. A strong military is necessary, to protect our national interests and to prevent foreign interests from infringing on our rights.
Foreign interests infringing on our rights: case in point, the proposed UN gun control legislation, in direct opposition to the second amendment, which exists to protect the basic right of self defense. There are people living in the United States whose abode is 10 miles or more from the nearest representative of the local law enforcement agency. These people cannot rely on the government to defend them! And you do not need to be 10 miles out for this to apply to you. The cops can not be everywhere all the time. The first line of defense is the individual, and with the supercrooks the prison system is turning out, a gun is the only way most of us can defend ourselves.
The prison system is, in my opinion, a total failure. It is more of a college and training ground for criminals than a real form of punishment. Liberal legislation has emasculated the prison system, in the name of protecting the poor, disadvantaged souls from anything that could even remotely considered cruel and unusual punishment. The only phrase in the constitution with which I disagree. What exactly is "cruel and unusual?" Something unusual could be the answer, instead of incarceration, for first time juvenile offenders. And prison time should be at least a little bit cruel, if it is to be something that potential criminals will want to avoid (deterance).
Homosexuality is a mental disease, regardless of what those brainwashed, so-called experts want to say about it. To want to engage in any sort of unnatural act with a member of your own sex is not a normal mode of behaviour. And don't tell me Jesus never said anything about it: He did say that the Father created them Man and Woman, and the Man is leave his mother and father and join to his wife, that the two shall be one. And what God has joined together, let no man sunder. I paraphrased a bit, I think, as I did type from memory. Check your Bible for the exact quote, or use one of the excellant online Bibles at the Blue Letter Bible or Bible Gateway. (See links in Sidebar).
Friday, October 20, 2006
Too much
I am getting overloaded, trying to keep up with all that's going on today. I've got no time any more to get anything done, for a lot of reading. Lynne Stewart getting 28 months for treason, a crime punishable by death. NO wonder no one is afradi to break laws. A killer was put to death, after 20 years of appeals and wasting court time and money. Congress had to pass a law allowing the military to question prisoners of war. The POWs in questions are enemy combatants who were captured while fighting out of uniform, not as part of a country's armed forces. That makes them, I think, spies, without any rights at all! Aiding and abetting enemy's of the United States. Get all the information we can out of them, line 'em up and shoot 'em. If the United States were to be invaded, and private citizens were to take up their hunting arms and fight the invasion, they would be treated no differently. They would be rounded up and publicly executed as an example to any others who may entertain thoughts of defying the conquerers. Afghanistan and it's Taliban leadership were harbouring enemies of the United States, which made them a legal target for US armed forces. Ditto Iraq. Iran should be next, then Syria and our so called friends, Saudi Arabia. Though, I think, the Saudis would be likely to surrender without a fight, as they love their money more than they love their religion.
North Korea also needs a good old fashioned spanking. Invade, execute Kim Jong Il for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and retrain the people of North Korea to appreciate the advantages of a democratic, free market life. Convert them to Christianity while we're at it.
Put the child abusers away. Lock 'em up in mental institutions if need be. A lot of them will be easy to find, just check the membership rolls at NAMBLA. Outlaw NAMBLA at the same time, as an illegal organization.
Institute new definitions of free speech. Return free speech to that which the founding fathers meant it to be, the freedom to express dissenting opinion without fear of arrest. Pornography is not free speech. Hate speech is not free speech. Free speech is the Minutemen being allowed to present their views without being interrupted by a mad mob. Free speech is those that disagree with the viewpoint of the Minutemen being allowed to present their side in a fair, peaceful, and above all intelligent and intelligible manner. A sreaming mob is not exercising its right to free speech, it is denying the other the right to free speech. Pornography is not free speech, or is it. What view point is the publisher of Playboy or Hustler trying to present with a picture of a naked woman in a provocative pose? The only view point I could ever see there is that women are nothing but sexual playthings, to be used and thrown away.
The European Union is trying to regulate video blogging now. They need to have their grubby little paws in everything that the people of Europe do. Another symptom of the same problem is the loss of jobs at the BenQ plant in Germany. The EU needs to be reduced severely in size, along with the governments of the various countries in Europe. The labor unions need to be dissolved, or severely limited in their powers. The European Social states and the unions constant demands for higher wages and shorted working hours are bankrupting every major corporation and small business on the continent. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the whole continent is in a massive depression. The unemployment rate is over 10% already. The only companies left are those that depend on technology available only in Europe. I think they'd all go to America, if there were enough potential employees there, but with unemployment figures under 5%, they'd never find enough qualified people. As it is, a lot of work is outsourced to countries with lower wages.
It would be better if a freeer market existed in Europe, one which would allow companies to pay their employees market wages. I believe this would lead to higher employment and reduce demands on the social state, allowing them to reduce taxes (as if they would), and make a better business environment. The idea that everyone has a right to medical care needs to be abandoned. No country in the world can afford, and trying to, as they are doing in Europe, leads only to reduces quality of care, low wages and long working hours for physicians, and long waits for care. It has already gone so far in some countries, that elderly are refused some types of care, or are euthanized, because it is no longer "worth it" to continue to take care of them.
European gun laws make me sick. To deny me the right to go and buy a gun for my personal protection and pleasure (I love target shooting) is unreasonable. I do not believe that allowing everyone to own guns would cause a blood bath. It is a matter of education and of moral values.
North Korea also needs a good old fashioned spanking. Invade, execute Kim Jong Il for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and retrain the people of North Korea to appreciate the advantages of a democratic, free market life. Convert them to Christianity while we're at it.
Put the child abusers away. Lock 'em up in mental institutions if need be. A lot of them will be easy to find, just check the membership rolls at NAMBLA. Outlaw NAMBLA at the same time, as an illegal organization.
Institute new definitions of free speech. Return free speech to that which the founding fathers meant it to be, the freedom to express dissenting opinion without fear of arrest. Pornography is not free speech. Hate speech is not free speech. Free speech is the Minutemen being allowed to present their views without being interrupted by a mad mob. Free speech is those that disagree with the viewpoint of the Minutemen being allowed to present their side in a fair, peaceful, and above all intelligent and intelligible manner. A sreaming mob is not exercising its right to free speech, it is denying the other the right to free speech. Pornography is not free speech, or is it. What view point is the publisher of Playboy or Hustler trying to present with a picture of a naked woman in a provocative pose? The only view point I could ever see there is that women are nothing but sexual playthings, to be used and thrown away.
The European Union is trying to regulate video blogging now. They need to have their grubby little paws in everything that the people of Europe do. Another symptom of the same problem is the loss of jobs at the BenQ plant in Germany. The EU needs to be reduced severely in size, along with the governments of the various countries in Europe. The labor unions need to be dissolved, or severely limited in their powers. The European Social states and the unions constant demands for higher wages and shorted working hours are bankrupting every major corporation and small business on the continent. At this rate, it is only a matter of time before the whole continent is in a massive depression. The unemployment rate is over 10% already. The only companies left are those that depend on technology available only in Europe. I think they'd all go to America, if there were enough potential employees there, but with unemployment figures under 5%, they'd never find enough qualified people. As it is, a lot of work is outsourced to countries with lower wages.
It would be better if a freeer market existed in Europe, one which would allow companies to pay their employees market wages. I believe this would lead to higher employment and reduce demands on the social state, allowing them to reduce taxes (as if they would), and make a better business environment. The idea that everyone has a right to medical care needs to be abandoned. No country in the world can afford, and trying to, as they are doing in Europe, leads only to reduces quality of care, low wages and long working hours for physicians, and long waits for care. It has already gone so far in some countries, that elderly are refused some types of care, or are euthanized, because it is no longer "worth it" to continue to take care of them.
European gun laws make me sick. To deny me the right to go and buy a gun for my personal protection and pleasure (I love target shooting) is unreasonable. I do not believe that allowing everyone to own guns would cause a blood bath. It is a matter of education and of moral values.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Child porn ring broken up
Reported in the Examiner:
Feds Net 125 Nationwide in Kid-Porn Case
Among those arrested were a Bible camp counselor from Vancouver, Wash.; a Boy Scout leader from Mission, Texas; and a pharmaceutical researcher in New Jersey.
Several of those arrested nationwide have prior records for molesting or sexually assaulting children, officials said.
Another disgusting case of the abuse of our children by trusted adults. Cases like this break down the trust in one another that is so vital to the continuation of free society. The safety of our children has to come first. We need to have people we can trust with the safety of our kids, that they may spread their wings away from the shelter of the family and grow, but who can you trust?
A Bible camp counselor and a Boy Scout leader: Just what we need, more ammunition for the left to use against Christian Conservatives in the campaign to paint us as hypocrites! Who can you trust anymore? I want to live in a world where at least Bible camp counselors and Boy Scout leaders can be trusted with my children.
Several of those arressted...have prior records: A case for death, or at least lifelong imprisonment for child molestors. I've heard that threat of death penalty would lead many child molestors to kill their victims. I don't know if that is true or not, the article gave only the conjecture of the author, and conjecture is unreliable. I only know that child molestors need to be taken off the streets.
Feds Net 125 Nationwide in Kid-Porn Case
Among those arrested were a Bible camp counselor from Vancouver, Wash.; a Boy Scout leader from Mission, Texas; and a pharmaceutical researcher in New Jersey.
Several of those arrested nationwide have prior records for molesting or sexually assaulting children, officials said.
Another disgusting case of the abuse of our children by trusted adults. Cases like this break down the trust in one another that is so vital to the continuation of free society. The safety of our children has to come first. We need to have people we can trust with the safety of our kids, that they may spread their wings away from the shelter of the family and grow, but who can you trust?
A Bible camp counselor and a Boy Scout leader: Just what we need, more ammunition for the left to use against Christian Conservatives in the campaign to paint us as hypocrites! Who can you trust anymore? I want to live in a world where at least Bible camp counselors and Boy Scout leaders can be trusted with my children.
Several of those arressted...have prior records: A case for death, or at least lifelong imprisonment for child molestors. I've heard that threat of death penalty would lead many child molestors to kill their victims. I don't know if that is true or not, the article gave only the conjecture of the author, and conjecture is unreliable. I only know that child molestors need to be taken off the streets.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
President in 2008: who fills the bill?
Who do we need in the white house in 2008?
I would, naturally, like to see someone who supports my views on life, the universe, and everything. That means:
Pro-life / Anti-abortion, as you want to see it. Pro-choice, for me, means the freedom to choose to have a child or not, but I believe the choice needs to be made before the pants come off, not after the cannon goes off.
Second Amendment: The rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I take that to mean that the government of the United States, nor the government of the fifty states, nor any county or municipal government, can tell me how many or what types of arms I am allowed to own. The only restriction on my right to keep and bear arms should lie in my wallet. Rather than a ban on "assault" weapons, I'd prefer, in keeping with the well regulated militia clause, a requirement for all able bodied men to keep, maintain, and demonstrate proficiency in, a full automatic rifle of standard caliber, which at this time means the .223 Remington caliber, aka 5.56 NATO.
Immigration: I am in favor of immigration, but legal immigration. You want to come to the United States of America to work, then obey our laws. You apply for work permits and visas, you come to the country through the official entry points, you apply for a job like anyone else, pay taxes, social security, etc. I saw a picture of an illegal immigrant carrying a Mexican Flag! There were a comment or two about how fresh they're getting, but they all missed the relevant point: This man came across our border without permission and raised his countries flag over our soil, in effect claiming it for his country, which is an act of WAR! He was not in uniform, which makes him a spy. Spies are shot. End of story.
note: I am not in favor of wholesale shooting of illegal immigrants. I feel, however, that they should be bodily thrown back across the border, at the point closest to where they were discovered.
War in "terror": I want a president who is not afraid to call this war by name: the war against Islam. Not radical Islam, not Islamofascists, not "terror", but Islam itself. Sure, I know the figures, about the so-called 10% (still over 1 million individuals!) of muslims being radicals, but I am also very concerned about the rest of them that support, aprove, or fail to condemn the 10%. Hit 'em hard enough, and the 90% will start to come around and put the 10% in their place. I don't think we need to completely wipeout Islam, but it needs to be hit, and hit hard, to put them in their place, and make them more agreeable to realizing that they are at best equal to the rest of us, and not superior as they believe.
North Korea needs to be hit hard as well. I saw a report on the schools there. The reporters asked the kids about the United States. The answers were shocking, those kids had been brainwashed to believe that the United States was second cousin to Satan himself! They are raising generation after generation of freedom hating, communist robots. Kim Jong Il is as bad as Saddam, and needs to be removed from power as soon as possible. The winning of the peace in North Korea, however, will take even longer than Iraq, as the people will have to be totally reprogrammed to appreciate what liberty means to a free people. Cuba is also a thorn in the side of the free world. Unfortunately for the people of Cuba, Cuba represents no threat to the freedom of the world, so nothing will be done there in the foreseeable future.
Freedom of Religion, and other first amendment rights: First thing to do is to repeal the fourteenth amendment. that is an insult to the state rights that the founding fathers fought so hard for. Religious freedom needs to be more strongly defended, and the establishment clause needs to be understood exactly as written: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." That means, to me, that all restrictions of religious freedom are placed on congress restricting the freedom of! A high school valedictorian thanking God at a commencement ceremony is not Congress establishing religion. The posting of the ten commandments at a county courthouse is not congress establishing a religion. A parish priest recommending a certain candidate is not congress establishing religion. According to the first amendment, individual states are perfectly free to establish religion, if the citizen of the state so desire. The efforts of the ACLU to restrict religious freedom in the name of the establishment clause are just plain evil, ill considered, and un-American.
Welfare: Federal welfare needs to be stopped! Immediately if possible. Welfare is the responsibility of the individual in a free society. If the individual can not support himself due to ill-health, natural disaster, fire, job loss due to failure of a company, or anything else not due to his own bad decisions, then it is the responsibility of his community to help him first, then neighboring communities, finally the Church. No tax monies should ever be used for relief in this way. Any charity to people in need of it should be voluntary.
Same with social security for old-age. If one chooses to participate in the federal program, they should be free to do so, but it should be voluntary, and only what is paid in should be available for retirement, minus administrative fees, which tend to be rather high by government programs. Better would be to teach people starting in the early years the importance of saving for their own retirement. Responsibility to those whose plans failed, or those who planned inadequately, falls first on the family of the retiree, then on his community, but only if the community is willing to take on the burden, their willingness to be shown by the amount of charitable contributions voluntarily given to the fund.
My ideal President would initiate programs to round up and detain all traitors to the United States of America, including the staff of the New York Times, in light of their revealing intelligence gathering programs. Also, Michael Moore would be high on the most wanted traitor list, for his subversive video representation of life in Iraq before and after the removal of Saddam Hussein.
Support for Israel would increase, all attacks against the sovereign state of Israel would be met with merciless rebuttal. If they will not respect Israel as it is, then they must be taught respect. Fighting until unconditional surrender worked agains Italy, Germany, and Japan, and it will work against Islam.
Schools: the present system leaves much to be desired. A privatization would most likely be the answer here. Make families responsible for the education of their children, with private, non-profit charities accepting the responsibility for the disadvantaged. Nonprofit organizations have generally proved to be better husbands of funds than the government, and should be able to better provide an education. Priority should be to promoting the desire to learn, teaching morality as well as the basics. The basics (reading, writing, arithmetic) should be emphasized heavily, and the children should receive a good grounding in basic science, geography, and history, both American history and world history. Methods used should be those that have proven themselves over the years, and not experimental methods that all too often fail, leaving the country with a generation of under-educated workers and administrators, who go on to use further experimental methods to further degrade the situation.
I would, naturally, like to see someone who supports my views on life, the universe, and everything. That means:
Pro-life / Anti-abortion, as you want to see it. Pro-choice, for me, means the freedom to choose to have a child or not, but I believe the choice needs to be made before the pants come off, not after the cannon goes off.
Second Amendment: The rights of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I take that to mean that the government of the United States, nor the government of the fifty states, nor any county or municipal government, can tell me how many or what types of arms I am allowed to own. The only restriction on my right to keep and bear arms should lie in my wallet. Rather than a ban on "assault" weapons, I'd prefer, in keeping with the well regulated militia clause, a requirement for all able bodied men to keep, maintain, and demonstrate proficiency in, a full automatic rifle of standard caliber, which at this time means the .223 Remington caliber, aka 5.56 NATO.
Immigration: I am in favor of immigration, but legal immigration. You want to come to the United States of America to work, then obey our laws. You apply for work permits and visas, you come to the country through the official entry points, you apply for a job like anyone else, pay taxes, social security, etc. I saw a picture of an illegal immigrant carrying a Mexican Flag! There were a comment or two about how fresh they're getting, but they all missed the relevant point: This man came across our border without permission and raised his countries flag over our soil, in effect claiming it for his country, which is an act of WAR! He was not in uniform, which makes him a spy. Spies are shot. End of story.
note: I am not in favor of wholesale shooting of illegal immigrants. I feel, however, that they should be bodily thrown back across the border, at the point closest to where they were discovered.
War in "terror": I want a president who is not afraid to call this war by name: the war against Islam. Not radical Islam, not Islamofascists, not "terror", but Islam itself. Sure, I know the figures, about the so-called 10% (still over 1 million individuals!) of muslims being radicals, but I am also very concerned about the rest of them that support, aprove, or fail to condemn the 10%. Hit 'em hard enough, and the 90% will start to come around and put the 10% in their place. I don't think we need to completely wipeout Islam, but it needs to be hit, and hit hard, to put them in their place, and make them more agreeable to realizing that they are at best equal to the rest of us, and not superior as they believe.
North Korea needs to be hit hard as well. I saw a report on the schools there. The reporters asked the kids about the United States. The answers were shocking, those kids had been brainwashed to believe that the United States was second cousin to Satan himself! They are raising generation after generation of freedom hating, communist robots. Kim Jong Il is as bad as Saddam, and needs to be removed from power as soon as possible. The winning of the peace in North Korea, however, will take even longer than Iraq, as the people will have to be totally reprogrammed to appreciate what liberty means to a free people. Cuba is also a thorn in the side of the free world. Unfortunately for the people of Cuba, Cuba represents no threat to the freedom of the world, so nothing will be done there in the foreseeable future.
Freedom of Religion, and other first amendment rights: First thing to do is to repeal the fourteenth amendment. that is an insult to the state rights that the founding fathers fought so hard for. Religious freedom needs to be more strongly defended, and the establishment clause needs to be understood exactly as written: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." That means, to me, that all restrictions of religious freedom are placed on congress restricting the freedom of! A high school valedictorian thanking God at a commencement ceremony is not Congress establishing religion. The posting of the ten commandments at a county courthouse is not congress establishing a religion. A parish priest recommending a certain candidate is not congress establishing religion. According to the first amendment, individual states are perfectly free to establish religion, if the citizen of the state so desire. The efforts of the ACLU to restrict religious freedom in the name of the establishment clause are just plain evil, ill considered, and un-American.
Welfare: Federal welfare needs to be stopped! Immediately if possible. Welfare is the responsibility of the individual in a free society. If the individual can not support himself due to ill-health, natural disaster, fire, job loss due to failure of a company, or anything else not due to his own bad decisions, then it is the responsibility of his community to help him first, then neighboring communities, finally the Church. No tax monies should ever be used for relief in this way. Any charity to people in need of it should be voluntary.
Same with social security for old-age. If one chooses to participate in the federal program, they should be free to do so, but it should be voluntary, and only what is paid in should be available for retirement, minus administrative fees, which tend to be rather high by government programs. Better would be to teach people starting in the early years the importance of saving for their own retirement. Responsibility to those whose plans failed, or those who planned inadequately, falls first on the family of the retiree, then on his community, but only if the community is willing to take on the burden, their willingness to be shown by the amount of charitable contributions voluntarily given to the fund.
My ideal President would initiate programs to round up and detain all traitors to the United States of America, including the staff of the New York Times, in light of their revealing intelligence gathering programs. Also, Michael Moore would be high on the most wanted traitor list, for his subversive video representation of life in Iraq before and after the removal of Saddam Hussein.
Support for Israel would increase, all attacks against the sovereign state of Israel would be met with merciless rebuttal. If they will not respect Israel as it is, then they must be taught respect. Fighting until unconditional surrender worked agains Italy, Germany, and Japan, and it will work against Islam.
Schools: the present system leaves much to be desired. A privatization would most likely be the answer here. Make families responsible for the education of their children, with private, non-profit charities accepting the responsibility for the disadvantaged. Nonprofit organizations have generally proved to be better husbands of funds than the government, and should be able to better provide an education. Priority should be to promoting the desire to learn, teaching morality as well as the basics. The basics (reading, writing, arithmetic) should be emphasized heavily, and the children should receive a good grounding in basic science, geography, and history, both American history and world history. Methods used should be those that have proven themselves over the years, and not experimental methods that all too often fail, leaving the country with a generation of under-educated workers and administrators, who go on to use further experimental methods to further degrade the situation.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Tuesday Rants
Homosexual man/Lesbian woman have child in San Francisco. Talk show host reprimanded for expressing a dissenting opinion. Personally, I agree with the talk show host. Homosexuals of either sex have no business raising children. Raising children is building the future of our country and should be done in accordance with tried and tested moral values. An experiment such as what these people are doing, or maybe they are having the child out of a desire for "fulfillment" in their lives, a fulfillment they would be better advised to seek in a personal relationship with the Lord. What they are doing to that child is unforgivable. As Jesus said, those that would lead the little ones astray would be better to have a millstone around their necks and tossed into the sea. I paraphrase a bit, I think. The actual quote is: # Matthew 18:6
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Or: # Mark 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. Matthew 18:5-7 (in Context)
Mark 9:41-43 (in Context)
And finally: # Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17:1-3 (in Context)
I do believe it is to offend these little ones when one leads the little ones away from the straight and narrow path.
Muslim taxi drivers refuse to take passengers with dogs in America, England, and Norway. And they expect us to tolerate their beliefs. They claim to be the most tolerant of beliefs and this is the way that they show it. I suppose it would be alright if the blind man had a guide goat, or a guide camel instead, those being "clean" animals. I like to bury them under a pile of swine innards! In researching this point, I ran across a referance to the Danish cartoonists, claiming that they have even viler cartoons that were not released, including one of a pig snouted muslim and of a dog mounting a muslim bent over in prayer.
IRS penalizes those who invest IRAs in property when investor improves the property through "sweat equity" or covers expenses with his own money. The IRS is getting too big for its britches and needs to be taken down a few pegs. The IRS is a government agency, part of a government meant to be by the people and for the people, which makes the IRS a servant of the people. They are acting more like our masters than our slaves. I believe that property rights are part of the basic rights mentioned in the declaration of Independence, a right granted by our Creator. The Declaration mentions life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but include the words "among these" in referring to the rights, indicating that we are endowed by our Creator with other rights as well as these. The actions of the IRS in this situation is a clear violation of property rights, regardless of what they want to claim about IRA rules. If the rules governing IRAs does not allow a man to do all that he is legally and morally allowed to do to increase the funds he will have available from the IRA in his retirement, then the rules need to be changed.
Liberals refuse those who do not agree with them the right to free speech, some conservatives do too. Paradebeispiel: The Columbia University protests against Minutemen. A protest against somebody who wants to protect the sovereignity of his country by protecting the borders against illegal immigrants. They are not against immigration, as far as I know. But anyone who enters the country illegally has to be sent home by the most expedient method available. If the Governmetn is n ot willing to do it, then it is up to the people to defend themselves. That is, in effect, one of the reasons for the existance of the second amendment to the constitution. What really upsets me are those illegals from Mexico that sneak into the United States of America and raise the Mexican flag over American soil. that is an act of WAR! And, since these invaders are not in uniform, they are, in effect, spies. Spies are generally shot, in the time honored tradition of western civilization as I learned it.
Jew haters and immigration opposers in Germany referred to as Rightists. Neo Nazis (nazi = Nationalsocialist), although socialists, also referred to as being on the right. German politics impossible to understand. With those on the left and those on the right being both socialists, how is a libertarian such as myself to understand this system. I don't even know for sure what the left here stands for. Peace, I guess, and understanding. Animal rights. Environmental issues and tolerance for others seem to be high on their lst of values. anything to repent for the horrors of their Nazi past. the Right in Germnay seems to have opretty much the same view as the left as far as government intervention in private life goes, but is against all forms of immigration and diversity. Pure German blood seems to be their creed. Foolishness, in my view. A melting pot society, as America supposedly is, and would be if the American left would recognize their multi-culti liberal tolerating celebrating difference attitude for the insanity that it is.
Saddam Hussein calls for his people to end intersectarian violence, which he claims is caused by "American and Iranian influence" That criminal should have had twenty minutes to make his case before he was found guilty, led away, and shot.
China and South Korea appalled at Norkor's nuke test, but it shouldn't affect their relation with the country. Norkor's China's puppet anyway, and the puppet will not attack the puppeteer. S.Kor's too greedy to agree to sanctions and too stupid to see the danger on their north border. They're going the way of Vietnam if they don't wake up. I'll miss the Hyundais and Daewoos.
17 000 minks released in Spain. Authorities believe either a competitor or an animal rights groups released the animals. An environmental catastrophe, in the opinion of this blogger.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Or: # Mark 9:42
And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he were cast into the sea. Matthew 18:5-7 (in Context)
Mark 9:41-43 (in Context)
And finally: # Luke 17:2
It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Luke 17:1-3 (in Context)
I do believe it is to offend these little ones when one leads the little ones away from the straight and narrow path.
Muslim taxi drivers refuse to take passengers with dogs in America, England, and Norway. And they expect us to tolerate their beliefs. They claim to be the most tolerant of beliefs and this is the way that they show it. I suppose it would be alright if the blind man had a guide goat, or a guide camel instead, those being "clean" animals. I like to bury them under a pile of swine innards! In researching this point, I ran across a referance to the Danish cartoonists, claiming that they have even viler cartoons that were not released, including one of a pig snouted muslim and of a dog mounting a muslim bent over in prayer.
IRS penalizes those who invest IRAs in property when investor improves the property through "sweat equity" or covers expenses with his own money. The IRS is getting too big for its britches and needs to be taken down a few pegs. The IRS is a government agency, part of a government meant to be by the people and for the people, which makes the IRS a servant of the people. They are acting more like our masters than our slaves. I believe that property rights are part of the basic rights mentioned in the declaration of Independence, a right granted by our Creator. The Declaration mentions life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but include the words "among these" in referring to the rights, indicating that we are endowed by our Creator with other rights as well as these. The actions of the IRS in this situation is a clear violation of property rights, regardless of what they want to claim about IRA rules. If the rules governing IRAs does not allow a man to do all that he is legally and morally allowed to do to increase the funds he will have available from the IRA in his retirement, then the rules need to be changed.
Liberals refuse those who do not agree with them the right to free speech, some conservatives do too. Paradebeispiel: The Columbia University protests against Minutemen. A protest against somebody who wants to protect the sovereignity of his country by protecting the borders against illegal immigrants. They are not against immigration, as far as I know. But anyone who enters the country illegally has to be sent home by the most expedient method available. If the Governmetn is n ot willing to do it, then it is up to the people to defend themselves. That is, in effect, one of the reasons for the existance of the second amendment to the constitution. What really upsets me are those illegals from Mexico that sneak into the United States of America and raise the Mexican flag over American soil. that is an act of WAR! And, since these invaders are not in uniform, they are, in effect, spies. Spies are generally shot, in the time honored tradition of western civilization as I learned it.
Jew haters and immigration opposers in Germany referred to as Rightists. Neo Nazis (nazi = Nationalsocialist), although socialists, also referred to as being on the right. German politics impossible to understand. With those on the left and those on the right being both socialists, how is a libertarian such as myself to understand this system. I don't even know for sure what the left here stands for. Peace, I guess, and understanding. Animal rights. Environmental issues and tolerance for others seem to be high on their lst of values. anything to repent for the horrors of their Nazi past. the Right in Germnay seems to have opretty much the same view as the left as far as government intervention in private life goes, but is against all forms of immigration and diversity. Pure German blood seems to be their creed. Foolishness, in my view. A melting pot society, as America supposedly is, and would be if the American left would recognize their multi-culti liberal tolerating celebrating difference attitude for the insanity that it is.
Saddam Hussein calls for his people to end intersectarian violence, which he claims is caused by "American and Iranian influence" That criminal should have had twenty minutes to make his case before he was found guilty, led away, and shot.
China and South Korea appalled at Norkor's nuke test, but it shouldn't affect their relation with the country. Norkor's China's puppet anyway, and the puppet will not attack the puppeteer. S.Kor's too greedy to agree to sanctions and too stupid to see the danger on their north border. They're going the way of Vietnam if they don't wake up. I'll miss the Hyundais and Daewoos.
17 000 minks released in Spain. Authorities believe either a competitor or an animal rights groups released the animals. An environmental catastrophe, in the opinion of this blogger.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Slow day, fatigue. Want to go FISHING!
What a day. I've been bone tired all day long, as if I hadn't slept in days. But, not sleepy tired, just fatigued, worn out, burnt out. It was all I could do to get lunch on the table today. I did get out and fed the chickens, rabbits, and dog, but that needs to be done regardless of how I feel, I do have a responsibility to my "critters".
I went fishing a bit in the afternoon, to see if that would help. I caught 1 (undersized) pike, a large perch, and a couple of roach. I was happy about the pike and the perch. The perch was one of the biggest I've ever caught, and will make a good lunch tomorrow. I miss the fishing back home, though. I could usually catch a lot more fish, and the places I fished were more relaxing, prettier, in a way. My fishing holes here are in the middle of the city, on a river called the Aisch. It's been straitened and graded so as to interfere with the city as little as possible. The part above the city not quite as bad, but it's shallow, muddy, slow moving, and closely resembles a drainage canal. Not at all like the more natural streams and rivers I fished in Maine.
I wish I could get back and fish Parson's Beach again, where the Mousam river flows into the sea. That's a beautiful spot, still pretty wild. From the beach at the mouth, the only sign of civilization you can see is a house a bit up the beach. The high dunes block the view of the road and the other houses in the area. It has the feel of a wild and natural seashore. And, it's full of fish. Striped bass run in the river all summer long, and are easy to catch if you know the secret. There are also sea run brown trout in the river. I've heard tell of blue fish and coho salmon there as well.
I went fishing a bit in the afternoon, to see if that would help. I caught 1 (undersized) pike, a large perch, and a couple of roach. I was happy about the pike and the perch. The perch was one of the biggest I've ever caught, and will make a good lunch tomorrow. I miss the fishing back home, though. I could usually catch a lot more fish, and the places I fished were more relaxing, prettier, in a way. My fishing holes here are in the middle of the city, on a river called the Aisch. It's been straitened and graded so as to interfere with the city as little as possible. The part above the city not quite as bad, but it's shallow, muddy, slow moving, and closely resembles a drainage canal. Not at all like the more natural streams and rivers I fished in Maine.
I wish I could get back and fish Parson's Beach again, where the Mousam river flows into the sea. That's a beautiful spot, still pretty wild. From the beach at the mouth, the only sign of civilization you can see is a house a bit up the beach. The high dunes block the view of the road and the other houses in the area. It has the feel of a wild and natural seashore. And, it's full of fish. Striped bass run in the river all summer long, and are easy to catch if you know the secret. There are also sea run brown trout in the river. I've heard tell of blue fish and coho salmon there as well.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
First openly gay Senator Dies.
First of all, what is so gay about being homosexual?
Apparently, he was "married" to his partner. what a load of crock. This whole "gay" marriage thing has totally turned me off to the idea that the government has any business in the arena of matrimony. We should just drop the whole idea of being legally married and get the government that much further from our day to day lives. Marriage belongs to the church, to people of faith. It is an agreement between a man, a woman, and their creator, to love, honor, obey, and cherish one another for life. There is nothing there about legal contracts. You want a legal contract, form a business partnership. Why not, really. A partnership for the purpose of running a household, or to raise children. It'll serve the purpose, and be a lot easier to dissolve than the current system. If you want something permanent, then you don't need the government involving itself in your affairs. Just go to the church with your intended, pledge your commitment before your family and the congregation, and your good to go!
If you're homosexual, and not accepted by mainstream Christian churches, don't sue them (and thereby deny them their first amendment right to freedom of religion and free speech), form your own church! Then you can let in anyone you want, you can take whatever vows you want according to your own rules and in the presence of your very own Deity! You need to be ordained? No problem: Ordination Online: Become a Minister , Officiate Weddings and More ...
more reasons to get the state out of the marriage game.
I am becoming more and more libertarian, the more I learn about life and freedom. People are born with inalienable rights, as Thomas Jefferson wrote. Governments exist to guarantee these rights, not to grant them, as many liberals seem to think. The right to keep and bear arms, for example, is an expression of the basic right to defend oneself and one's loved ones and property.
Why shouldn't people have the right to do things which are harmful to themselves, as long as they are willing to accept responsibility for their actions. You want to take drugs? Go ahead, just don't expect society to shoulder the burden of your addiction. You want to eat fatty foods, smoke cigarettes, drink excessively? Think about saving for the medical bills.
I am a hypocrite, though, in this area. I never saved my money, I was careless about exercising and what I ate. I smoked, and drank excessively. I drove my car under the influence of alcohol. Now, I suffer from depression, anxiety, and ulcerative colitis. I am reliant on my wife, and on the socialized medicine provided for me by the state. It's an evil situation, but I'm stuck with it. I would much prefer to be independant, free from government interferance in my life, and if I ever find a way to, I will. I write this in the hope that those who read will choose a differant path than I did, to live truly free.
There is only one country in the world today that has the potential to be a truly free country, and that is the United States of America. The liberals in America are doing their best to change this, and must be stopped before it is too late.
Stand up for your freedom. Stand up for your rights. Vote out the socialists who are threatening the last, best hope all freedom loving people of this planet have.
Apparently, he was "married" to his partner. what a load of crock. This whole "gay" marriage thing has totally turned me off to the idea that the government has any business in the arena of matrimony. We should just drop the whole idea of being legally married and get the government that much further from our day to day lives. Marriage belongs to the church, to people of faith. It is an agreement between a man, a woman, and their creator, to love, honor, obey, and cherish one another for life. There is nothing there about legal contracts. You want a legal contract, form a business partnership. Why not, really. A partnership for the purpose of running a household, or to raise children. It'll serve the purpose, and be a lot easier to dissolve than the current system. If you want something permanent, then you don't need the government involving itself in your affairs. Just go to the church with your intended, pledge your commitment before your family and the congregation, and your good to go!
If you're homosexual, and not accepted by mainstream Christian churches, don't sue them (and thereby deny them their first amendment right to freedom of religion and free speech), form your own church! Then you can let in anyone you want, you can take whatever vows you want according to your own rules and in the presence of your very own Deity! You need to be ordained? No problem: Ordination Online: Become a Minister , Officiate Weddings and More ...
more reasons to get the state out of the marriage game.
I am becoming more and more libertarian, the more I learn about life and freedom. People are born with inalienable rights, as Thomas Jefferson wrote. Governments exist to guarantee these rights, not to grant them, as many liberals seem to think. The right to keep and bear arms, for example, is an expression of the basic right to defend oneself and one's loved ones and property.
Why shouldn't people have the right to do things which are harmful to themselves, as long as they are willing to accept responsibility for their actions. You want to take drugs? Go ahead, just don't expect society to shoulder the burden of your addiction. You want to eat fatty foods, smoke cigarettes, drink excessively? Think about saving for the medical bills.
I am a hypocrite, though, in this area. I never saved my money, I was careless about exercising and what I ate. I smoked, and drank excessively. I drove my car under the influence of alcohol. Now, I suffer from depression, anxiety, and ulcerative colitis. I am reliant on my wife, and on the socialized medicine provided for me by the state. It's an evil situation, but I'm stuck with it. I would much prefer to be independant, free from government interferance in my life, and if I ever find a way to, I will. I write this in the hope that those who read will choose a differant path than I did, to live truly free.
There is only one country in the world today that has the potential to be a truly free country, and that is the United States of America. The liberals in America are doing their best to change this, and must be stopped before it is too late.
Stand up for your freedom. Stand up for your rights. Vote out the socialists who are threatening the last, best hope all freedom loving people of this planet have.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Bad Quote?
“We have staked the future of all of our political institutions … upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God.”
James Madison: 1778 to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia
Apparently, an Urban legend. I got wind yesterday after I posted that this citation was never made by James Madison. I'll only say at this point that there is no evidence I've been able to find to support it. This paragraph has been quoted throughout the internet, mostly on Christian and Conservative websites, but none have quoted anymore from this speech. The speech itself, I can find no transscript of. Most of those that claim it is not from James Madison say so because it is not in the Federal Papers, which is no argument, as the quote allegedly comes from an address on the assembly of the state of Virginia.
James Madison: 1778 to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia
Apparently, an Urban legend. I got wind yesterday after I posted that this citation was never made by James Madison. I'll only say at this point that there is no evidence I've been able to find to support it. This paragraph has been quoted throughout the internet, mostly on Christian and Conservative websites, but none have quoted anymore from this speech. The speech itself, I can find no transscript of. Most of those that claim it is not from James Madison say so because it is not in the Federal Papers, which is no argument, as the quote allegedly comes from an address on the assembly of the state of Virginia.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Legislating Morality
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
“We have staked the future of all of our political institutions … upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God.”
James Madison: 1778 to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia
James Madison also said: “ We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all of our heart.”
George Washington said: “ It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible.”
“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” [speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779]
In the Torcaso case, the Supreme Court declared that Secular Humanism was a religion. In Edwards, the Court established one religion (Secular Humanism) above all others. If Jefferson were alive today - and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – how do you think he would have voted in those two cases?
Torcaso: The first amendment prohibits the US congress from making a law establishing a state religion, but says nothing of the states. The fourteenth, however, makes the first applicable at the state level. The Torcaso case was right. Secular Humanism, as religion: Austin Cline, at atheism.about.com, has a good essay about this case. He states, however, that the declaration of secular humanism is in a dicta, which has no legal force. However, a review of the case: HIIBEL v. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF NEVADA, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, et al. at caselaw.lp.findlaw.com remarks on the existance of dicta that the legal community typically takes as a statement of the law.
from atheism.about.com on the Torcaso case. "In a dictum footnote attached to this opinion, Justice Black wrote:"
"Among the religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others."
Edwards: Wikipedia: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_v._Aguillard The Court ruled that a Louisiana law requiring that creation science be taught in public schools whenever evolution was taught was unconstitutional, because the law was specifically intended to advance a particular religion. At the same time, however, it held that "teaching a variety of scientific theories about the origins of humankind to school children might be validly done with the clear secular intent of enhancing the effectiveness of science instruction."
How does "advancing a particular religion" establish a state religion? All Christian denominations believe in creation, Judaism believes in the Creation, Islam (as far as I know) supports Creation. Which of these religions is established as the state religion of the United States of America by the teaching of Creationism in Puble Schools of Louisiana? First amendment does not apply in this case.
Does this (unconstitutional, in my opinion) decision establish Secular Humanism as the state religion? No. It does not establish Secular Humanism as a state religion, but does force teachers and student to check their first amendment rights at the classroom door.
If the Constitution is a "living, breathing document", are we free to ignore original intent all together?
Liberals are fond of ignoring or interpreting original intent to suit their agendas. Liberals ignore citations from the founding fathers advancing Christianity, but jump all over an obscure quote, taken out of context, to support the separation of Church and state. They also believe that the meaning of the Constitution can change to meet societal and cultural changes. This can and will lead to judges being able to interpret the Document any way they want, if they feel that their interpretation would be best for society. In researching this question, I ran across a comparison of liberal interpretation of the Constitution to the liberal interpretation of the Bible, which formed in me the opinion that all talk of "Living, breathing documents" is treachery against the United States as the founding fathers envisioned it.
Would it be fair to say that the religion of Secular Humanism has the public school lectern as its pulpit?
Would it be fair to say that public schoolteachers are the missionaries of the religion of Secular Humanism?
Would it be fair to say that our children are the potential converts of the religion of Secular Humanism?
Would it be fair to say that the missionary budget of the religion of Secular Humanism is the U.S. tax code?
I'd say it's more a case of every ideology except Judeo-Christianity has its pulpit in the public schools today. Under the guise of teaching tolerance and understanding of other cultures, our own American cultures, based upon Judeo-Christian ideals, is made to look evil and intolerant.
Why do we pay only ten percent of our income to our churches, but over a fourth of our income to a government that advances Secular Humanism over all other religions?
The Governmental social programs are taking over functions and responsibilities that belong to the Church, in an attempt to play a Robin Hood like role in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. How accurate is that 25% figure? Does it include hidden taxes, such as taxes levied on businesses that are passed on to the consumer?
Many people believe that Christianity is a bad religion responsible for many atrocities over the last few centuries. Why was the 20th Century the bloodiest in world history?
What part did atheism play in the increased bloodshed during the last century?
What part did communism play in the increased bloodshed during the last century?
Christianity is not responsible for the many atrocitties committed in its name over the last few centuries. Responsible are the individuals within the Church who abused their power. The 20th century was so bloody because of the loss of morals due to the secularisation of culture combined with the developement of improved weapons technology and more efficient methods of killing. There were periods of secular and pagan beliefs all through recorded history involving bloodshed in the name of genocide, power grabbing, or sacrificial ceremony. It wasn't until the 20th century that the technology existed for the massive bloodletting that occurred under Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and others.
In the Casey decision (1992), the Supreme Court stated that “…At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, and of the mystery of human life.” Is the Court implying that morality is individually chosen, rather than objective, while simultaneously defending its right to deprive an entire nation of voting on the issue of abortion?
In principle, yes. In making this decision, the Supreme Court has opened up the opportunity in the future to question all laws, based on the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaing, and of the mystery of human life. Theoretically, when one's concept of existance precludes private ownership of goods or property, is it not a violation of his liberty to deny him anything he feels he needs at one time or another? All of our basic rights are on the line with this decision.
stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States". American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
“We have staked the future of all of our political institutions … upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves, to control ourselves, to sustain ourselves, according to the Ten Commandments of God.”
James Madison: 1778 to the General Assembly of the State of Virginia
James Madison also said: “ We’ve staked our future on our ability to follow the Ten Commandments with all of our heart.”
George Washington said: “ It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and Bible.”
“What students would learn in American schools above all is the religion of Jesus Christ.” [speech to the Delaware Indian Chiefs May 12, 1779]
In the Torcaso case, the Supreme Court declared that Secular Humanism was a religion. In Edwards, the Court established one religion (Secular Humanism) above all others. If Jefferson were alive today - and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court – how do you think he would have voted in those two cases?
Torcaso: The first amendment prohibits the US congress from making a law establishing a state religion, but says nothing of the states. The fourteenth, however, makes the first applicable at the state level. The Torcaso case was right. Secular Humanism, as religion: Austin Cline, at atheism.about.com, has a good essay about this case. He states, however, that the declaration of secular humanism is in a dicta, which has no legal force. However, a review of the case: HIIBEL v. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT COURT OF NEVADA, HUMBOLDT COUNTY, et al. at caselaw.lp.findlaw.com remarks on the existance of dicta that the legal community typically takes as a statement of the law.
from atheism.about.com on the Torcaso case. "In a dictum footnote attached to this opinion, Justice Black wrote:"
"Among the religions in this country which do not teach what would generally be considered a belief in the existence of God are Buddhism, Taoism, Ethical Culture, Secular Humanism, and others."
Edwards: Wikipedia: www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edwards_v._Aguillard The Court ruled that a Louisiana law requiring that creation science be taught in public schools whenever evolution was taught was unconstitutional, because the law was specifically intended to advance a particular religion. At the same time, however, it held that "teaching a variety of scientific theories about the origins of humankind to school children might be validly done with the clear secular intent of enhancing the effectiveness of science instruction."
How does "advancing a particular religion" establish a state religion? All Christian denominations believe in creation, Judaism believes in the Creation, Islam (as far as I know) supports Creation. Which of these religions is established as the state religion of the United States of America by the teaching of Creationism in Puble Schools of Louisiana? First amendment does not apply in this case.
Does this (unconstitutional, in my opinion) decision establish Secular Humanism as the state religion? No. It does not establish Secular Humanism as a state religion, but does force teachers and student to check their first amendment rights at the classroom door.
If the Constitution is a "living, breathing document", are we free to ignore original intent all together?
Liberals are fond of ignoring or interpreting original intent to suit their agendas. Liberals ignore citations from the founding fathers advancing Christianity, but jump all over an obscure quote, taken out of context, to support the separation of Church and state. They also believe that the meaning of the Constitution can change to meet societal and cultural changes. This can and will lead to judges being able to interpret the Document any way they want, if they feel that their interpretation would be best for society. In researching this question, I ran across a comparison of liberal interpretation of the Constitution to the liberal interpretation of the Bible, which formed in me the opinion that all talk of "Living, breathing documents" is treachery against the United States as the founding fathers envisioned it.
Would it be fair to say that the religion of Secular Humanism has the public school lectern as its pulpit?
Would it be fair to say that public schoolteachers are the missionaries of the religion of Secular Humanism?
Would it be fair to say that our children are the potential converts of the religion of Secular Humanism?
Would it be fair to say that the missionary budget of the religion of Secular Humanism is the U.S. tax code?
I'd say it's more a case of every ideology except Judeo-Christianity has its pulpit in the public schools today. Under the guise of teaching tolerance and understanding of other cultures, our own American cultures, based upon Judeo-Christian ideals, is made to look evil and intolerant.
Why do we pay only ten percent of our income to our churches, but over a fourth of our income to a government that advances Secular Humanism over all other religions?
The Governmental social programs are taking over functions and responsibilities that belong to the Church, in an attempt to play a Robin Hood like role in stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. How accurate is that 25% figure? Does it include hidden taxes, such as taxes levied on businesses that are passed on to the consumer?
Many people believe that Christianity is a bad religion responsible for many atrocities over the last few centuries. Why was the 20th Century the bloodiest in world history?
What part did atheism play in the increased bloodshed during the last century?
What part did communism play in the increased bloodshed during the last century?
Christianity is not responsible for the many atrocitties committed in its name over the last few centuries. Responsible are the individuals within the Church who abused their power. The 20th century was so bloody because of the loss of morals due to the secularisation of culture combined with the developement of improved weapons technology and more efficient methods of killing. There were periods of secular and pagan beliefs all through recorded history involving bloodshed in the name of genocide, power grabbing, or sacrificial ceremony. It wasn't until the 20th century that the technology existed for the massive bloodletting that occurred under Hitler, Mao, Stalin, and others.
In the Casey decision (1992), the Supreme Court stated that “…At the heart of liberty is the right to define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, and of the mystery of human life.” Is the Court implying that morality is individually chosen, rather than objective, while simultaneously defending its right to deprive an entire nation of voting on the issue of abortion?
In principle, yes. In making this decision, the Supreme Court has opened up the opportunity in the future to question all laws, based on the right to define one's own concept of existence, of meaing, and of the mystery of human life. Theoretically, when one's concept of existance precludes private ownership of goods or property, is it not a violation of his liberty to deny him anything he feels he needs at one time or another? All of our basic rights are on the line with this decision.
stated mission is "to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States". American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
time for a new party
It's time we got two new parties into the government in Washington. The current politicians are too much politicians first and representatives of the people second.
It's time for Liberals to vote Green and Conservatives to vote Libertarian, to send their parties a message that we do not want the same old. No one does though, because their all afraid that the other side won't and one of the major parties will win.
A poster on Townhall complained that a single wage earner can not support a family any more and wants to know why. It's because the government takes too big a chunk of his pay. Then, the lifestyle of Americans today. Big, new cars, eating out regularly, big tv, the best home cinema system, DVD, VCR, PS II, etc. Live simply, raise as much of your own food as you can, Keep one TV in the house, and make that a small one. Buy everything cash, within a budget. Buy clothing at discount, Walmart's Faded Glory jeans for example, instead of Levi's or Lee. Buy a good used car cash instead of financing a new SUV. It's not that hard. I do it here in Germany, where it is more difficult than in the USA.
There is no such thing as a middle class tax cut. The middle class pays the taxes of the rich everytime they buy something. The taxes the rich pay are paid with the profits they earn when the companies they own or have an interest in turn a profit. When the taxes are raised on the big earners, they simply pass it on down in higher prices for the products that the poor and middle classes need. A tax cut for the rich is also reflected in lower prices, making it a tax cut for all.
Endless occupation of Iraq. Occupation of Iraq has to continue until we win in the Middle East. If we can hold Iraq and Afghanistan, we are in a good position to take on Iran from two sides. But, we can't do it alone. The free countries of the world have to wake up to the Islamic menace that threatens peace in the entire world. They don't only hate the USA and Israel. They are attacking Israel because it is closest, and America because it is the strongest of their enemies and a supporter of Israel. As long as they can convince the rest of the world that it is only the USA and and Israel that are the enemies of Islam, the longer they can keep the rest of the world either on their side, or at least from opposing them. Their motto is: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"(at least until the enemy is defeated. Then watch out!) The enemy of Islam is all that is not Islam! They particularly hate everything that the left and socialists stand for, such as Atheism, homosexuality, free sex, adultery, tolerance of other religions and beliefs. The tolerance claims of Islam are the purest hypocricy. If you don't believe that, smuggle a case of Bibles into Iran or Saudi Arabia and start preaching the Word of God and passing out Bibles on a street corner in Rhyad or Tehran.
Pelosi preventing Boy scouts from using federal land. That is a violation of the Boy Scouts first amendment rights of free speach, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion!
Alaskan oil belongs to the Federal Government. What a load! In the freeest land that the world has ever seen, if I buy a piece of land in Alaska, the Government can take it away from me and lease it to a multi-national oil company, if oil is discovered on my land. Jed Clampett was lucky he wasn't from Alaska. The Beverly Hillbillies wouldn't have been nearly as funny if the poor mountaineer was simply relocated by the government, force to build himself a new shack, and continue to barely keep his family fed in a new location, away from family and friends.
Voe for a change! DO NOT, I repeat, please DO NOT vote Republican or Democrat for the next several years. Vote for a change. Do not vote for an incumbant. Get them out in the primaries, at any price. Don't let them in!
It's time for Liberals to vote Green and Conservatives to vote Libertarian, to send their parties a message that we do not want the same old. No one does though, because their all afraid that the other side won't and one of the major parties will win.
A poster on Townhall complained that a single wage earner can not support a family any more and wants to know why. It's because the government takes too big a chunk of his pay. Then, the lifestyle of Americans today. Big, new cars, eating out regularly, big tv, the best home cinema system, DVD, VCR, PS II, etc. Live simply, raise as much of your own food as you can, Keep one TV in the house, and make that a small one. Buy everything cash, within a budget. Buy clothing at discount, Walmart's Faded Glory jeans for example, instead of Levi's or Lee. Buy a good used car cash instead of financing a new SUV. It's not that hard. I do it here in Germany, where it is more difficult than in the USA.
There is no such thing as a middle class tax cut. The middle class pays the taxes of the rich everytime they buy something. The taxes the rich pay are paid with the profits they earn when the companies they own or have an interest in turn a profit. When the taxes are raised on the big earners, they simply pass it on down in higher prices for the products that the poor and middle classes need. A tax cut for the rich is also reflected in lower prices, making it a tax cut for all.
Endless occupation of Iraq. Occupation of Iraq has to continue until we win in the Middle East. If we can hold Iraq and Afghanistan, we are in a good position to take on Iran from two sides. But, we can't do it alone. The free countries of the world have to wake up to the Islamic menace that threatens peace in the entire world. They don't only hate the USA and Israel. They are attacking Israel because it is closest, and America because it is the strongest of their enemies and a supporter of Israel. As long as they can convince the rest of the world that it is only the USA and and Israel that are the enemies of Islam, the longer they can keep the rest of the world either on their side, or at least from opposing them. Their motto is: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"(at least until the enemy is defeated. Then watch out!) The enemy of Islam is all that is not Islam! They particularly hate everything that the left and socialists stand for, such as Atheism, homosexuality, free sex, adultery, tolerance of other religions and beliefs. The tolerance claims of Islam are the purest hypocricy. If you don't believe that, smuggle a case of Bibles into Iran or Saudi Arabia and start preaching the Word of God and passing out Bibles on a street corner in Rhyad or Tehran.
Pelosi preventing Boy scouts from using federal land. That is a violation of the Boy Scouts first amendment rights of free speach, freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and freedom of religion!
Alaskan oil belongs to the Federal Government. What a load! In the freeest land that the world has ever seen, if I buy a piece of land in Alaska, the Government can take it away from me and lease it to a multi-national oil company, if oil is discovered on my land. Jed Clampett was lucky he wasn't from Alaska. The Beverly Hillbillies wouldn't have been nearly as funny if the poor mountaineer was simply relocated by the government, force to build himself a new shack, and continue to barely keep his family fed in a new location, away from family and friends.
Voe for a change! DO NOT, I repeat, please DO NOT vote Republican or Democrat for the next several years. Vote for a change. Do not vote for an incumbant. Get them out in the primaries, at any price. Don't let them in!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Korea again
North Korea is threatening eith their new found power. Scary
I feel we've entered a new era now. A crazy dictator has nukes. Who's next? Pakistan? They have nukes already and the Taliban is increasing influence there. That could be problematisch before too long. India has nukes as well, and they have their differences with Pakistan. Who knows how that will develop. Iran is still working towards a bomb.
It is time for the peace loving countries to do something to head this thing off at the pass. If they wait too long, if they keep wasting time in talks and sanctions, it dcould be too late. When our cities start dissolving in a mushroom cloud of radioactive chain ractions gone out of control in response to the refusal to meet unreasonable demands it is too late. The whole thing is out of control and no one will be able to see where i will end. NorKor will enxtend their atheistic, communistic power, and the muslims will respond against these infidels, with whom they are hypocritically working now, with equla or greater violence, destroying in the end civilization as we know it, leaving the entire planet an uninhabitable radioactive wasteland.
I feel we've entered a new era now. A crazy dictator has nukes. Who's next? Pakistan? They have nukes already and the Taliban is increasing influence there. That could be problematisch before too long. India has nukes as well, and they have their differences with Pakistan. Who knows how that will develop. Iran is still working towards a bomb.
It is time for the peace loving countries to do something to head this thing off at the pass. If they wait too long, if they keep wasting time in talks and sanctions, it dcould be too late. When our cities start dissolving in a mushroom cloud of radioactive chain ractions gone out of control in response to the refusal to meet unreasonable demands it is too late. The whole thing is out of control and no one will be able to see where i will end. NorKor will enxtend their atheistic, communistic power, and the muslims will respond against these infidels, with whom they are hypocritically working now, with equla or greater violence, destroying in the end civilization as we know it, leaving the entire planet an uninhabitable radioactive wasteland.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
North Korea has tested a nuclear weapon, according to sources as powerful as the one dropped on Hiroshima.
That's scary. It was, I suppose, only a matter of time before one of the world's mad men got the bomb. It's very disquieting. How much longer before it's in the hands of ahmadinahad? Or Al Qaeda? What's Kim going to do now, that he's got it? Will he use it? Only time will tell. The next question: What will the response of the civilized world be? Condemnation? or a real response?
I am really afraid that Kim is crazy enough to use the thing, or to give it someone who will.
The Response: Korea, the western world should immediately initiate military action to topple the kim regime and put North Korea under martial law until the population can be reprogrammed to appreciate the advantages of a free society. If it is an islamic entity to use the thing, then the first step should be to flatten mecca: hit 'em where it hurts. Then declare the entire cult a menace to civilized society and set about reforming, or when that fails, eliminating it.
I heard a radio show the other day, I think it was Dennis Prager. The title was: "War is never a good Idea." It was about a childrens book being released, to expouse the evils of war. Prager disagreed with the premise that war is never a good idea. I don't. I feel that war is never a good idea. Noone ever said, when bored for example: I've got a good idea: let's start a war!" It don't happen. Wars are a necessary evil. War is not a good idea, but sometimes it is necessary, sometimes it is the only way to stop a greater evil. WWII was not a good idea, but it was the only way to stop Japanese imperialism and Nazi evil. The war against terror is not a good idea, but it is the best idea we have to stop the fascistic muslims who are threatening world peace. The Cold War was not a good idea, but the alternative would have been to give in to the communist threat, which would have left the entire planet in the disastrous economic state that the USSR was in when it finally collapsed. Not even the revolutionary war or the civil war were good ideas, but they were necessary first to create this great land of ours, then to keep it together and make it free for all men.
That's scary. It was, I suppose, only a matter of time before one of the world's mad men got the bomb. It's very disquieting. How much longer before it's in the hands of ahmadinahad? Or Al Qaeda? What's Kim going to do now, that he's got it? Will he use it? Only time will tell. The next question: What will the response of the civilized world be? Condemnation? or a real response?
I am really afraid that Kim is crazy enough to use the thing, or to give it someone who will.
The Response: Korea, the western world should immediately initiate military action to topple the kim regime and put North Korea under martial law until the population can be reprogrammed to appreciate the advantages of a free society. If it is an islamic entity to use the thing, then the first step should be to flatten mecca: hit 'em where it hurts. Then declare the entire cult a menace to civilized society and set about reforming, or when that fails, eliminating it.
I heard a radio show the other day, I think it was Dennis Prager. The title was: "War is never a good Idea." It was about a childrens book being released, to expouse the evils of war. Prager disagreed with the premise that war is never a good idea. I don't. I feel that war is never a good idea. Noone ever said, when bored for example: I've got a good idea: let's start a war!" It don't happen. Wars are a necessary evil. War is not a good idea, but sometimes it is necessary, sometimes it is the only way to stop a greater evil. WWII was not a good idea, but it was the only way to stop Japanese imperialism and Nazi evil. The war against terror is not a good idea, but it is the best idea we have to stop the fascistic muslims who are threatening world peace. The Cold War was not a good idea, but the alternative would have been to give in to the communist threat, which would have left the entire planet in the disastrous economic state that the USSR was in when it finally collapsed. Not even the revolutionary war or the civil war were good ideas, but they were necessary first to create this great land of ours, then to keep it together and make it free for all men.
Monday, October 09, 2006
End of a dream?
Schumacher loses in Japan. Who'da thunk? So much for the championship in his last year in the Fornula 1. Alonso only needs to finish in the points in Brazil to take it again this year. If he's smart, he just take it easy and finish in the points, save his car and finish. The only way for Schumacher to take the championship is to win, and Alonso to either not finish or finish out of the points.
Michael Schumacher will be missed in Germany. I hope that the begeisterung for the Grand Prix continues without him. There's still a few German drivers in the race: Brother Ralf, Quick Nick, and Nico Rosberg. German teams: Mercedes and BMW. Toyota is also based in Cologne, so they're almost a German team as well, more German really than Mercedes and BMW, since they use English and Swiss chassis, respectively.
Michael Schumacher will be missed in Germany. I hope that the begeisterung for the Grand Prix continues without him. There's still a few German drivers in the race: Brother Ralf, Quick Nick, and Nico Rosberg. German teams: Mercedes and BMW. Toyota is also based in Cologne, so they're almost a German team as well, more German really than Mercedes and BMW, since they use English and Swiss chassis, respectively.
Monday, October 02, 2006
Jihad Watch
September 28 Hot Air TV. "Muslim clerics and scholars have demanded that Pope Benedict XVI be removed from his position immediately for encouraging war and fanning hostility between various faiths and for making insulting remarks against Islam. If the west does not change it's stance against Islam it will face severe consequences.
Meanwhile, a new Palestinian Jihad group announced that every place relevent to Christians will be a target until the Vatican apologizes." They are also demanding the the UN prohibit the defamation of Islam. Not until the prohibit the defamation of Christianity!
I say that we let the Islam world know, in no uncertain terms, that we will not tolerate any more Islamic violence. Give them two days to apologize for all terrorism and insults to Judaism and Christianity in the last 30 years, and to pay for the damage caused by all attacks on Israeli, European, and American targets. If they fail to do so, then Mecca and Medina will be leveled and Islam declared an outlaw belief, comparable with Nazi. All mosques in the USA and Europe should be turned into slaughterhouses for the production of pork products. All muslims banned from holy sites in Israel.
We have no need to put up with these insults any longer. We must put an end to this pestilence known as Islam. Allah is the adversary, the father of lies, the lord of flies! Jesus is Lord, Saviour, Son of God. To continue to coddle these people in their false belief is to condemn them to eternity in the fiery pits of Hell. I am not in favor of mass murder, but these people need to be woken up to the truth. They are, in end effect, our neighbors, whom Christ has commanded us to love.
Some say that to critisize them for their belief is to go against the principles of neighborly love the Jesus taught. I think, however, that to allow them to continue as they are is the worst hypocrisy of all.
Islam is the anti-Christ. Islam denies the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Can we allow it to continue to exist without an attempt to end it?
We are fighting a war in Iraq and in Afghanistan against the Jihad, against Islam, a war we can not win until we are clear on what the enemy is. The enemy we face is Islam! Not terror, not fundamental Islam, or radical Islam, or Islamo-Fascism, but Islam itself. We're being constantly told that it's only the radical 10% who've highjacked Islam that is the problem. That's still 100 - 120 million enemies to the Western way of life. But, what about the other 90% who are not speaking out against the so called radicals? Why haven't we heard from them? Because they are also under the influence of the adversaries lies! They believe in what the radicals are doing. They support them with donations. They pray for them in their temples and secretly wish that they were there. They need to be shown the error of their ways, their eyes opened as Paul's were.
Paul, when he was called Saul, persecuted the early Christians as the muslims are today. He had Christians stoned for blasphemy. But, our Lord had need of him, and called him to Himself, and made of him a force for the early Church.
The muslims are also not yet beyond Salvation, if only they can be made to listen and understand the Gospel.
I don't know how much violence would be necessary to accomplish the task, if any, or even if it is at all possible. The adversary has a tight hold on the muslims. We need to do something, I think. Whatever is done, needs to be done consequently, and thoroughly, leaving no room for doubt in the minds of the muslim people. We must stop showing them signs of weakness, and cowardice. The first thing we in the west can do is to stop pandering to their every whim. If they protest and riot over a few cartoons, draw and publish more! If the protest and riot over a remark cited by the Pope made 1000 years ago, have every religious leader in the west cite every remark of the sort we can find! Show them that we are not afraid of them, that we will no longer bow to their evil demands and temper tantrums.
Meanwhile, a new Palestinian Jihad group announced that every place relevent to Christians will be a target until the Vatican apologizes." They are also demanding the the UN prohibit the defamation of Islam. Not until the prohibit the defamation of Christianity!
I say that we let the Islam world know, in no uncertain terms, that we will not tolerate any more Islamic violence. Give them two days to apologize for all terrorism and insults to Judaism and Christianity in the last 30 years, and to pay for the damage caused by all attacks on Israeli, European, and American targets. If they fail to do so, then Mecca and Medina will be leveled and Islam declared an outlaw belief, comparable with Nazi. All mosques in the USA and Europe should be turned into slaughterhouses for the production of pork products. All muslims banned from holy sites in Israel.
We have no need to put up with these insults any longer. We must put an end to this pestilence known as Islam. Allah is the adversary, the father of lies, the lord of flies! Jesus is Lord, Saviour, Son of God. To continue to coddle these people in their false belief is to condemn them to eternity in the fiery pits of Hell. I am not in favor of mass murder, but these people need to be woken up to the truth. They are, in end effect, our neighbors, whom Christ has commanded us to love.
Some say that to critisize them for their belief is to go against the principles of neighborly love the Jesus taught. I think, however, that to allow them to continue as they are is the worst hypocrisy of all.
Islam is the anti-Christ. Islam denies the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ. Can we allow it to continue to exist without an attempt to end it?
We are fighting a war in Iraq and in Afghanistan against the Jihad, against Islam, a war we can not win until we are clear on what the enemy is. The enemy we face is Islam! Not terror, not fundamental Islam, or radical Islam, or Islamo-Fascism, but Islam itself. We're being constantly told that it's only the radical 10% who've highjacked Islam that is the problem. That's still 100 - 120 million enemies to the Western way of life. But, what about the other 90% who are not speaking out against the so called radicals? Why haven't we heard from them? Because they are also under the influence of the adversaries lies! They believe in what the radicals are doing. They support them with donations. They pray for them in their temples and secretly wish that they were there. They need to be shown the error of their ways, their eyes opened as Paul's were.
Paul, when he was called Saul, persecuted the early Christians as the muslims are today. He had Christians stoned for blasphemy. But, our Lord had need of him, and called him to Himself, and made of him a force for the early Church.
The muslims are also not yet beyond Salvation, if only they can be made to listen and understand the Gospel.
I don't know how much violence would be necessary to accomplish the task, if any, or even if it is at all possible. The adversary has a tight hold on the muslims. We need to do something, I think. Whatever is done, needs to be done consequently, and thoroughly, leaving no room for doubt in the minds of the muslim people. We must stop showing them signs of weakness, and cowardice. The first thing we in the west can do is to stop pandering to their every whim. If they protest and riot over a few cartoons, draw and publish more! If the protest and riot over a remark cited by the Pope made 1000 years ago, have every religious leader in the west cite every remark of the sort we can find! Show them that we are not afraid of them, that we will no longer bow to their evil demands and temper tantrums.